Event Highlights

Seminar on Malay Politics in Malaysia: Changing World and Way Forward


In this seminar, Dato’ Dr Mujahid pointed out that Malaysia is the only country in the world where one finds a constitutionally-defined ethnicity. Click on to read more.


Conference on Services Liberalization in ASEAN: Foreign Direct Investment in Logistics Sector


This two-day conference drew around 50 participants to discuss country-wise commitments and efforts in services sector liberalisation and the extent of success in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the logistics sector. 


Seminar on Climbing the Ladder: Socio-economic Mobility in Malaysia


This seminar investigated the existence and extent of inter-generational mobility in Malaysia, in terms of educational attainment, occupational skills level and income. 


Seminar on The ‘Magic’ of Modern Malaya: Remembering Histories of Adam’s Ore and Muhammad’s Guns


In this seminar,  Dr Teren Sevea, Visiting Fellow at Nalanda–Sriwijaya Centre, delivers a lecture on the vital roles of Muslim miracle-workers within the socio-economic fabric of 18th – 9th century Malaya. His research is based on Malay-Jawi manuscripts pertaining to the esoteric practices of these miracle-workers or “pawang”, which are replete with relevant socio-economic information of the contemporaneous world that the pawang lived and practised his/her art and profession.


Seminar-cum-Book Launch of the 2016 edition of Anthony Milner’s classic, “Kerajaan: Malay Political Culture on the Eve of Colonial Rule”


Originally published in 1982, Anthony Milner’s Kerajaan: Malay Political Culture on the Eve of Colonial Rule has become one of the most frequently-cited works on Southeast Asian History. On November 8th, Professor Milner launched the second edition of Kerajaan at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


Seminar on Representations of the Ottomans in Javanese Reverse Glass Painting


In this seminar, the sixth in the Arts in Southeast Asia Seminar series, Prof Jérôme Samuel, co-director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CASE) and co-editor of French scientific Review Archipel, delivered a seminar on “Representations of the Ottomans in Javanese reverse glass painting”. 


Conference: Beyond the National: The Regional and Transnational Trajectories of Chinese Indonesians


ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute hosted the ‘Beyond the National: The Regional and Transnational Trajectories of Chinese Indonesians’ Conference at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute on 20-21 October 2016. The conference was co-convened by Dr Hui Yew-Foong, ISEAS Senior Fellow and Dr Charlotte Setijadi, ISEAS Visiting Fellow from the Indonesia Studies Programme.


Seminar on Political Art in Southeast Asia: The Role of LEKRA in Indonesia


This seminar looked at questions of Soviet and European influence on art, and the roles of social realism and socialism in delimiting the content of art and explored the legacy of LEKRA in the depiction of social issues in Indonesian art of the late twentieth- and early twenty-first centuries.


Lecture on Mystery City: Unearthing the 10th Century Angkorian Capital of Koh Ker


This 1.5-hour public lecture provided an overview of settlements and increasing complexity from the Neolithic through Iron ages which led to urbanization approximately 2000 years ago at Angkor Borei during the early Funan period.


Seminar on The “Democrat Muslim” Rashid Ghannouchi and His Influence on Malaysia’s Parti Amanah Negara


This 1.5-hour seminar discussed about Ghannouchi’s approach which does bring ‘Islamic’ legitimacy to Amanah’s involvement in non-Islamic, non-Muslim and secular alliances. This development may shape Muslim politics in Malaysia in ways that can overshadow the current race-based and religiously exclusive discourse now widely practised in the Malay community.