Event Highlights

Seminar on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Advancing Regional Economic Integration Amidst Growth Moderation


This seminar discussed APEC along with more focused insights on the economic outlook of the Southeast Asian Region, which is expected to grow at a rate that is below world GDP growth in 2016-2017.


Seminar on “Vietnam and the Major Powers: Multilateralising International Defence and Security Cooperation'”


This seminar assessed Vietnam’s multilateralization of international defence and security cooperation with Russia, India, the United States, Japan and China over the last five years.


Seminar on Betrayal, Sacred Landscapes, and Stories of Justice Among Tamils in Malaysia


This seminar explored the different meanings of ‘law’ and ‘justice’ in theory and as understood by Malaysian Tamils, and deconstructing them, to allow a more thorough and meaningful understanding of how ideas of race and ethnicity are produced, imagine and negated within, for example, the Malaysian Constitution. Andrew Wilford concludes with a mediation upon the ethics of critique by suggesting the ethnographic betrayal is both painful and necessary.


Seminar on Has Malaysian Islam been Salafized?


This seminar revealed that the form of Islam that normatively understood and practised in Malaysia, e.g. Malaysian Islam, has undergone myriad changes as a result of gradual internalization of the Wahhabi brand of Salafism since the 1970s. 


Myanmar Forum 2016


ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute partnered with the University of Michigan’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies for the Myanmar Forum which was held on Friday, 20 May 2016.  


Seminar on U.S. Policy and Chinese Influence along ASEAN’s Northern Tier Seminar


This seminar emphasized how U.S. policies have sometimes undermined America’s appeal as a hedging partner, stunted ASEAN’s mainland states’ ability to diversify and integrate into the ASEAN-centered institutional matrix, and left them more inclined to lean on China and to bear the resultant risks.


Seminar on Realising the ASEAN Economic Community: Views from Business and Non-Governmental Sectors


This seminar examined existing ASEAN mechanisms for government-private engagemen and consultation.


Seminar on “Their Accent Would Betray Them”: Undocumented Immigrants and the Sound of Illegality in the East Malaysian Borderlands


Andrew M. Carruthers shared his views on how state agents denote illegality in Sabah.


Seminar on Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook


In this seminar both speakers from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlight the challenges and prospects facing economies in Asia and the Pacific


The Dig: 100 Days of the Empress Place Archaeology Rescue Excavation


Opening of photography exhibition “The Dig: 100 Days of the Empress Place Rescue Archaeology Excavation” at the Asian Civilisations Museum.