Event Highlights

Seminar on Political and Economic Risk in Malaysia beyond 1MDB


In this seminar, Jahabar Sadiq goes through the saga and the scenarios that could develop for the next 12 months.


Seminar on Adenan, Autonomy and the Alternatives: Sarawak Decides 2016


This seminar discussed the forthcoming eleventh Sarawak state election to be held on 7 May 2016.


‘Abode of Kings’: Naypyidaw and the Politics of Reform


Dr Nicholas Farrelly’s seminar focused on the city of Naypyidaw and how its evolving role has both supported and accommodated Myanmar’s trajectory and politics of reform.


Vietnam Forum 2016 reviews thirty years of Doi Moi


The Vietnam Forum 2016 covered a wide range of issues, from the development of Vietnam’s private sector and state-owned enterprise reforms, its rural and urban transformations, challenges facing the country’s political system, to Vietnam’s relations with major powers and its international economic integration.


Exclusive preview of report “Indonesian Students in Egypt and Turkey” in ISEAS Seminar


ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute hosted an exclusive preview of a major new report, “Indonesian Students in Egypt and Turkey”, co-authored by Sidney Jones, Navhat Nuraniyah and Anthony Bubalo.


Professor Donald Weatherbee, ISEAS Visiting Professorial Fellow, discussed Indonesia’s foreign policies under Jokowi


Professor Donald Weatherbee delivered a seminar – “Making Sense of Indonesian Foreign Policy Under Jokowi” at ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute.


Lecture on Javanese Mouse Deer and Chinese Lions: Early Islamic Sinicised Imprints in Java’s North Coast Sculpture (15th – early 17th century)


This lecture examined the iconography of the lion in Javanese Islamic funerary art from the 15th to 17th century as little is known about the early Islamic period in Java. This is due to the scarcity of textual and material sources from the early Islamic phase in Javanese history.


Extremism, Trauma, and Therapy: Addressing the Rise of ISIS in the Middle East


This seminar explored notions of trauma and associated therapy in order to reflect upon the devastating rise of ISIS in the Middle East, and how it can be addressed. It also looks at extremist tendencies, such as ISIS that actually weaponises trauma.


2-Day Conference on The Malaysian Economy Towards 2020: Issues and Challenges


This conference brought together prominent economists working on various aspects of the Malaysian economy with the goal of examining and assessing the extent to which the government’s current economic policies are able to address the challenges of achieving a developed country status by the year 2020.


Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre International Workshop and Launch of the Archaeology Unit Gallery


This workshop is an open forum sharing experiences of practitioners, policy makers and researchers from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand. The speakers showcase current – many as yet unpublished internationally-projects that give voice to local priorities.