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Napon Jatusripitak quoted by Bloomberg: “Thai Politicians Dangle $92 Billion Worth of Campaign Promises”


This article was published on 18 March 2023.


Napon Jatusripitak quoted by Thai PBS: “Will this general election come down to policies or personalities?”


This article was published on 18 March 2023.


Jayant Menon quoted by SCMP: “How much did Trump-era tariffs on China cost Americans? New US findings confirm ‘self-inflicted harm’”


This article was published on 17 March 2023.


Yanuar Nugroho interviewed by The Jakarta Post: “What I’ve Learned: Yanuar Nugroho, former deputy chief of staff to the President”


This article was published on 14 March 2023.


Ian Storey quoted by Wall Street Journal: “Russia’s War in Ukraine Hurts Its Arms Industry, Creating Openings for Rivals”


This article was published on 13 March 2023.


Yanuar Nugroho quoted by The Jakarta Post: “Online activism not dead yet as netizens expose wealthy officials”


This article was published on 13 March 2023.


Serina Rahman quoted by Today: “Muhyiddin’s corruption charges: Opposition calls it political witch hunt but this should not deter Anwar’s anti-graft crusade, say analysts”


This article was published on 11 March 2023.


Hoang Thi Ha and William Choong quoted by Observer Research Foundation: “The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict: Impact on Southeast Asia”


This article was published on 11 March 2023.


Francis Hutchinson interviewed by Focus: “安华拼外交 加强邻国关系”


This interview was published on 10 March 2023.


Francis Hutchinson interviewed by Focus: “安华执政百日 专家:没有大改革但人民有感”


This interview was published on 10 March 2023.