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Sharon Seah and Jayant Menon quoted by Bangkok Post: “Green recovery”


This article was published on 8 August 2022 and referred to the ADB-ISEAS Joint Webinar on “Implementing a Green Recovery in Southeast Asia” on 6 July 2022.


William Choong quoted by South China Morning Post: “Quitting China isn’t easy for Taiwanese companies, even if the mainland is ‘a lot of trouble’”


This article was published on 6 August 2022.


Joanne Lin, Jayant Menon and Sharon Seah interviewed by VTV: “Cửa sổ ASEAN”


This episode of ASEAN Window was broadcast on 6 August 2022.


Sharon Seah quoted by Straits Times: “Asean weathers regional political storm but its real test will be decision on Myanmar”


This article was published on 5 August 2022.


Jayant Menon quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “布林肯:美国“一中”政策不变 盼北京勿借机增加侵略性军事活动”


This article was published on 5 August 2022.


ISEAS in the News: “Mekong Institute awarded ASEAN Prize 2021”


This article was published by ASEAN Secretariat on 3 August 2022.


Moe Thuzar quoted by Al Jazeera: “Why is the Myanmar crisis such a challenge for ASEAN?”


This article was published on 3 August 2022.


Joanne Lin quoted by CNBC TV18: “An ASEAN conclave starts while China and US flex muscles in the region”


This article was published on 3 August 2022.


William Choong quoted by First Post: “Why US and China are at loggerheads over Taiwan”


This article was published on 2 August 2022.


Sharon Seah quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “缅甸全国紧急状态再延长六个月 亚细安料对五点共识没进展表达不满”


This article was published on 2 August 2022.