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Melinda Martinus quoted by DW: “EU dallies on recognizing ASEAN COVID vaccine passports”


This article was published on 9 May 2022 and referred to ISEAS Fulcrum commentary Targeting the Tourism Dollar from ASEAN.


Ian Storey quoted by The Diplomat: “Are Russian Arms Exports to Southeast Asia a Thing of the Past?”


This article was published on 9 May 2022 and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2022/47 “The Russia-Ukraine War and its Potential Impact on Russia’s Arms Sales to Southeast Asia”.


James Chai interviewed by BFM: “The Value Of Politicians Taking A Break”


This interview was published on 9 May 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by The Guardian: “Ferdinand Marcos triumphs in Philippines presidential election”


This article was published on 9 May 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by The Guardian: “Philippines election: Ferdinand Marcos Jr closes in on victory”


This article was published on 9 May 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by CNN: “Why the Philippines election could be a win for China”


This article was published on 9 May 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by Apple Daily: “菲律賓總統大選今登場 民眾一早6點大排長龍投票”


This article was published on 9 May 2022.


Sharon Seah quoted by Sina: “接连遭“拆台”?美国政府很头疼!”


This article was published on 9 May 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by NBC News: “A dictator’s son is leading Philippine polls. ‘Pink warriors’ are trying to stop him.”


This article was published on 8 May 2022.


Lee Poh Onn quoted by New Sarawak Tribute: “Sarawakians need to give Abang Jo credit”


This article was published on 7 May 2022.