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Ian Storey quoted by New York Times: “The War in Ukraine Holds a Warning for the World Order”


This article was published 4 March 2022.


ISEAS in the News: “柔佛州选逾200人参选 学者:疫情及政治厌恶 或促使选民不投票”


This article was published on 3 March 2022 and referred to ISEAS Webinar on New Perspectives on the Johor State Election.


Serina Rahman quoted by The Star: “Fishermen in south Johor beset by challenges at every corner”


This article was published on 3 March 2022.


Hoang Thi Ha quoted by Sina: “翁诗杰:面对东南亚“疑华”“反华”声音,该怎么办”


This article was published on 2 March 2022.


Le Hong Hiep quoted by Asia Times: “Hanoi shy to leave Moscow for the West over Ukraine”


This article was published on 1 March 2022.


Hoang Thi Ha quoted by SCMP: “Ukraine crisis: EU urges Malaysia to back UN vote against Russia amid criticism over Asean statement”


This article was published on 1 March 2022.


Choi Shing Kwok interviewed by VTV: “Vietnam Singapore Expand Economic Cooperation”


This interview was broadcast on 1 March 2022.


William Choong quoted by ST: “Asean unity fraying in the Sino-US tug of war”


This article was published on 1 March 2022.


Yanuar Nugroho interviewed by Semarang, Idola 92.6 FM: “Mencermati Polemik Wacana Penundaan Pemilu 2024”


This interview was broadcast on 1 March 2022.


Jayant Menon interviewed by SABC News: “Russia-Ukraine | Possible impact on Russia of blocking the SWIFT banking system”


This interview was broadcast on 28 February 2022.