Latest News

Aries Arugay quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “政治观察家:新总统是否会继承争议性政策 菲律宾后杜特尔特时代政治动向备受关注”


This article was published on 18 February 2022.


Ian Storey quoted by RFA: “Thai plan to acquire F-35 fighter jets poses dilemma for Washington”


This article was published on 16 February 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by El Pais: “El giro hacia China que deja Duterte en Filipinas”


This article was published on 16 February 2022.


ISEAS in the News: “泰國學校國際生50%來自中國 假上學真工作成亂象”


This article was published by Vision Thai on 16 February 2022 and referenced ISEAS Webinar The Quest for Local Embeddedness: Recent Chinese Migrants in Thailand.


Sharon Seah quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “再次缺席高级别会议 学者:缅甸问题料进一步分化亚细安”


This article was published on 16 February 2022.


Jayant Menon quoted by Al Jazeera: “Economic Impacts of a Russian Invasion”


This interview was published on 15 February 2022.


Lee Hwok-Aun quoted by Nikkei Asia: “Malaysia eyes China 40 years after it ‘looked east’ to Japan”


This article was published on 15 February 2022.


Termsak Chalermpalanupap quoted by SCMP: “As delays hit China-Thailand high speed railway, Bangkok counts the cost of paying its own way”


This article was published on 14 February 2022.


Tham Siew Yean quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “拟与美日韩品牌竞争 中国新能源车企进军亚细安市场”


This article was published on 12 February 2022.


Ian Storey quoted by ST: “Singapore food prices, flights may be affected if Ukraine crisis worsens: Experts”


This article was published on 12 February 2022.