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Maria Monica Wihardja interviewed by CNA: “Prabowo hedging against Western powers, favouring regional cooperation: Analyst”


This interview was published on 4 April 2024.


Le Hong Hiep quoted by Nikkei Asia: “Banks in a bind as Vietnam PM bemoans fall in lending”


This article was published on 3 April 2024.


Maria Monica Wihardja quoted by Nikkei Asia: “Indonesia’s Prabowo visits Japan for balance after his China trip”


This article was published on 3 April 2024.


Maria Monica Wihardja quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “普拉博沃会晤岸田文雄 日印同意加强安全合作”


This article was published on 3 April 2024.


Siwage Dharma Negara quoted by Nikkei Asia: “Xi calls Indonesia high-speed rail a ‘gold standard’ of ties”


This article was published on 2 April 2024.


Julia Lau quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “正式当选仅11天就出访 普拉博沃展现外交积极姿态”


This article was published on 1 April 2024.


Sharon Seah quoted by ST: “Low-key Laos has a shot at proving critics wrong”


This article was published on 1 April 2024.


Maria Monica Wihardja quoted by ST: “Indonesia’s key to escape middle-income trap lies on quality jobs for its young people”


This article was published on 1 April 2024.


James Chai quoted by The Guardian: “Malaysian shop chain that sold ‘Allah socks’ targeted with petrol bombs”


This article was published on 2 April 2024.


Norshahril Saat quoted by CNA: “Political Islam: Syariah-inspired laws in some parts of Malaysia, Indonesia worry non-Muslims”


This article was published on 1 April 2024.