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Khoo Boo Teik quoted by Malaysia Insight: “Why ‘Malay unity’ is a myth and Perikatan is not race’s saviour”


This article was published by Malaysia Insight on 13 December 2020 and quoted from Trends In Southeast Asia 2020/17 Malay Politics: Parlous Condition, Continuing Problems.


Jayant Menon quoted by SCMP: “China’s Asean influence sets stage for new superpower battleground with US, as the ball shifts to Biden’s court”


This article was published by South China Morning Post on 13 December 2020.


ISEAS in the News: “押宝中国疫苗以扭转防疫劣势 印尼或因疫苗欠下高利率外交债”


This article was published by Lianhe Zaobao on 11 December 2020.


Francis Hutchinson interviewed by BFM: “In Malaysia, The Latest White Elephant: The Melaka Gateway”


This programme was broadcast by BFM89.9 on 10 December 2020.


ISEAS in the News: “Indonesia places risky bet on Chinese coronavirus vaccines”


This article was published by Agence France-Press and carried by Channel Newsasia on 10 December 2020.


Norshahril Saat and Faizal Musa quoted by The Straits Times: “Umno’s unlikely romance with DAP in Perak could leave PM Muhyiddin jilted”


This article was published by The Straits Times on 8 December 2020 and quoted from ISEAS’s Fulcrum Commentary 2020/202 Pipped to the Post in Perak: Will Putrajaya Be Next?


Quinton Temby quoted by SCMP: “Police attack in Indonesia by firebrand cleric Habib Rizieq Shihab’s supporters sparks sectarian violence fears”


This article was published by South China Morning Post on 7 December 2020.


Leo Suryadinata quoted by FT: “Indonesia looks to Joe Biden for more ‘professional’ stance on China”


This article was published by Financial Times on 6 December 2020, and referred to ISEAS Commentary 2020/167 Why Was Prabowo Invited to the US?


Melinda Martinus quoted by SCMP: “Is Indonesia becoming too reliant on Huawei? “


This article was published by South China Morning Post on 4 December 2020.


Sharon Seah quoted by CNA: “Up to 1 billion people in Asia to face lethal heatwave conditions by 2050 due to climate change: Report”


This article was published by Channel Newsasia on 4 December 2020.