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Yanuar Nugroho and Siwage Dharma Negara quoted by Business Time: “Fast cash is key to small businesses’ survival during Covid-19 in Indonesia”


This article was published by Business Times on 29 October 2020 and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2020/124 “COVID-19’s Impact on Micro, Small, & Medium Enterprises and Tourism in Indonesia”


Made Supriatma quoted by Bisnis: “Menlu Pompeo ke Indonesia, Manuver Trump Rayu Jokowi Akui Kedaulatan Israel?”


This article was published by on 29 October 2020.


Ian Storey quoted by SCMP: “In Indonesia, Pompeo makes last gasp push for Trump’s China agenda”


This article was published by South China Morning Post on 29 October 2020


ISEAS in the News: “35th Asean Roundtable – The Covid-19 Crisis: Impact on ASEAN and the Way Forward”


The 35th Asean Roundtable – The Covid-19 Crisis: Impact on ASEAN and the Way Forward took place from 21-23 October 2020.


Ian Storey quoted by Indo-Pacific Defense Forum: “Thailand favoring rail-and-road bypass instead of Kra canal idea”


This article was published by Indo-Pacific Defense Forum on 27 October 2020


Michael Montesano interviewed by Bloomberg: “No Appropriate Mechanisms To Resolve Thailand’s Crisis, ISEAS’ Montesano Says”


This programme was broadcast by Bloomberg on 26 October 2020.


Francis Hutchinson quoted by Today: ” What lies ahead for Malaysia with its king rejecting its PM’s state of emergency request?”


This article was published by Today on 26 October 2020.


Termsak Chalermpalanupap quoted by Reuters: “Analysis: Fighting talk as besieged Thai loyalists try to rally”


This article was published by Reuters on 25 October 2020.


Francis Hutchinson interview with Bloomberg: “Do Maps or Money Mark Singapore’s Borders?”


This article was published by Bloomberg on 25 October 2020.


William Choong quoted by SCMP: “China right to be concerned about Quad alliance’s bright future, analysts say”


This article was published by South China Morning Post on 24 October 2020.