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New Trade Associations and Chambers (TACs) Partner: Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC)



Cassey Lee quoted by Bangkok Post: “Covid-19 fight needs clarity”


This article was published by Bangkok Post on 30 March 2020.


Malcolm Cook interviewed by ABS-CNB News: “Economies hit by SARS epidemic ‘better prepared’ for Covid-19 “


This programme was broadcast by ABS-CNB News on 29 March 2020.


Siwage Dharma Negara quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “国际特稿: 2025年数码经济预计达1300亿美元 科技翻转印尼生活景观”


This article was published by Lianhe Zaobao on 29 March 2020.


Lee Hwok-Aun on BFM: “Another RM250 Billion for the Economic Stimulus Package”


This programme was broadcast by BFM on 27 March 2020.


Jayant Menon quoted by Phnom Penh Post: “The good and bad of credit growth”


This article was published by The Phnom Penh Post on 27 March 2020.


Cassey Lee quoted by Nikkei Asia Review: “Southeast Asia’s drastic coronavirus response squeezes trade”


This article was published by Nikkei Asia Review on 26 March 2020.


Dr Yatun Sastramidjaja interviewed by “In Conversation” Episode 22


This episode of In Conversation Episode 22 on Indonesian youth activism was broadcast by Channel Newsasia on 25 March 2020.


Jayant Menon quoted by Khmer Times: “Will investors remain confident in a de-dollarised Cambodian economy? “


This article was published by Khmer Times on 24 March 2020.


Evelyn S. Devadason quoted by Business Times: “Product standards glut could pose non-tariff trade barrier: Researcher”


This article was published by Business Times on 24 March 2020 and quoted Prof Evelyn S. Devadason from her paper, ISEAS Perspective 2020/17 The Rise of “Murky” Protectionism: Standard-Like Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN.