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Le Hong Hiep quoted by VOA: “Vietnamese Real Estate Tycoon Facing Trial in Embezzlement Case”


This article was published on 5 February 2024.


Ian Storey quoted by CNA: “China held a record number of military exercises with ASEAN states in 2023. What’s fuelling the spike?”


This article was published on 5 February 2024.


Made Supriatma quoted by Straits Times: “Indonesia election: The ‘four-finger’ salute and how Jokowi spurred its spread”


This article was published on 5 February 2024.


Aries Arugay and Ian Storey quoted by LHZB: “中国特稿: 各方行为准则磋商进展缓慢 南中国海夜长暗流多”


This article was published on 4 February 2024.


Julia Lau and Ian Wilson quoted by LHZB: “国际特稿:印尼总统选举酝酿合纵连横 普拉博沃力拼一击即中”


This article was published on 4 February 2024.


Jayant Menon quoted by SCMP: “China has made Mexico a premier investment destination. Is it a US detour, or something more?”


This article was published on 3 February 2024.


Moe Thuzar interviewed by The Bangkok Post: “Why we need to care about Myanmar”


This article was published on 3 February 2024.


Francis Hutchinson quoted by New York Times: “Malaysia Reduces Sentence of Najib Razak, Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister”


This article was published on 2 February 2024.


Francis Hutchinson quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “分析:纳吉获减刑而非全面特赦 对安华及扎希都有利”


This article was published on 2 February 2024.


Francis Hutchinson quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “马国前首相纳吉12年刑期减半 最快2026年出狱”


This article was published on 2 February 2024.