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Ian Wilson on CNA: “Indonesian Presidential Elections – 2 weeks to go!”


This podcast was published on 31 January 2024.


Melinda Martinus quoted by Nikkei Asia: “Indonesia’s new capital hinges on election as Jokowi set to exit”


This article was published on 31 January 2024.


Serina Rahman quoted by Al Jazeera: “Malaysia prepares for ‘hands-on’ king as Johor Sultan takes the throne”


This article was published on 30 January 2024.


Ha Hoang Hop quoted by VOA: “Vietnam, Philippines Sign Deals on South China Sea Security”


This article was published on 30 January 2024.


Surachanee Sriyai quoted by ST: “Myanmar’s neighbours grapple with new options as balance of power shifts in the country”


This article was published on 30 January 2024.


Made Supriatma quoted by AFP: “‘Dynasty in the making’ as Widodo’s shadow hangs over Indonesia vote”


This article was published on 30 January 2024.


Siwage Dharma Negara quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “雅万高铁或面对长期亏损 营运商背负沉重债务”


This article was published on 30 January 2024.


Phan Xuan Dung interviewed by CNA: “Philippines’ Marcos says maritime cooperation a cornerstone in Vietnam visit”


This interview was published on 29 January 2024.


Moe Thuzar quoted by VOA: “Myanmar OKs Resumption of Construction at Beijing-Backed Indian Ocean Port”


This article was published on 29 January 2024.


Sharon Seah quoted by LHZB: “缅甸首次派非政治代表出席亚细安会议”


This article was published on 29 January 2024.