Latest News

Ian Storey quoted by Business Mirror: “Asean, China to meet in Manila for code of conduct on SCS/WPS”


This article was published on 14 August 2023.


Sharon Seah quoted by The Straits Times: “Wang Yi’s visit signals China’s desire to engage with South-east Asia’s new and incoming leaders”


This article was published on 14 August 2023.


Joanne Lin quoted by CNBC: “India is a rising force in Southeast Asia as region seeks to counter China’s dominance”


This article was published on 13 August 2023.


Jayant Menon quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “国际特稿:23国排队“敲砖” 金砖五国各有考量”


This article was published on 13 August 2023.


Francis Hutchinson quoted by The Straits Times: “Malaysia state polls: PH and PN retain three states each in status quo result”


This article was published on 13 August 2023.


Francis Hutchinson on BFM: “Penang – Calm, Despite The Storm?”


This podcast was published on 12 August 2023.


ISEAS in the News: “In search of new nation-builders”


This article was published by Bernama on 12 August 2023.


Napon Jatusripitak quoted by Bloomberg: “Thai Poll Winner Faces Dilemma Over Support for Tycoon’s PM Bid”


This article was published on 12 August 2023.


Napon Jatusripitak quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “与亲军方政党结盟 为泰党被批违背竞选诺言”


This article was published on 12 August 2023.


Ian Storey quoted by SCMP: “China’s tough stance in South China Sea ‘may be sign of its unhappiness over closer Philippine ties with US’”


This article was published on 11 August 2023.