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ISEAS in the News: “US should clear up bombs it left in Laos before questioning China’s influence there”


This article was published on 26 July 2023 and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2023/55 “Changing Perceptions in Laos Toward China”.


Choi Shing Kwok on AIES Podcast: “EU-ASEAN Relations: Potentials for Enhanced Cooperation”


This podcast was published on 25 July 2023.


ISEAS in the News: “Hearts versus Minds in the Struggle for Selangor”


In this webinar organised by the Malaysia Studies Programme on 25 July 2023, “Hearts versus Minds in the Struggle for Selangor“, panellists Dr Ong Kian Ming and A/Prof Marzuki Mohamad discussed the upcoming state election in Selangor.


Azmil Tayeb interviewed by Aliran: “Malay voters: Shades of choice”


This interview was published on 24 July 2023.


William Choong interviewed by CGTN: “NATO Summit: Expert: Southeast Asian nations do not consider alliance vital to region’s security issues”


This interview was published on 24 July 2023.


Phan Xuan Dung interviewed by VNA: “Thế giới 360 độ: Ngoại giao khí hậu”


This interview on the recent high-level visits from the US to China was published on 22 July 2023.


Joanne Lin quoted by VOA Chinese: “中国与老挝的“铁杆”情谊是否正在改变?”


This article was published on 22 July 2023.


Napon Jatusripitak quoted by Time: “Thai Teen Jailed for Mocking the King as Prospects of Royal Defamation Reform Dim”


This article was published on 21 July 2023.


Napon Jatusripitak interviewed by 8 World: “披塔首相梦灭 泰国再现抗议示威”


This interview was broadcast on 20 July 2023 and published on 21 July 2023.


Napon Jatusripitak interviewed by Al Jazeera: “Thai court suspends Pita as MP as parliament votes on new prime minister”


This interview was broadcast on 20 July 2023 and published on 20 July 2023.