Op Eds

“A look at the rural Malay voter” – An Op-Ed by Serina Abdul Rahman in The New Mandala


This article was abstracted from ISEAS’ Trends In Southeast Asia 2018 No 9 – Malaysia’s General Elections 2018: Understanding the Rural Vote by Serina Rahman and published by The New Mandala on 2 May 2018.

Dr Serina Abdul Rahman is Visiting Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Rombakan kabinet dan kesannya kepada masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura” – An Op-Ed by Norshahril Saat in Berita


This article “Cabinet reshuffle and its impact on the Malay/Muslim community” was published by Mediacorp Berita on 29 April 2018.

Dr Norshahril Saat is Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Lies, Damn Lies, and Vietnam’s Trade Statistics” – An Op-Ed by Le Hong Hiep in Project Syndicate


This article was published by Project Syndicate on 27 April 2018.

Dr Le Hong Hiep is Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Rehabilitating Marawi” – An Op-Ed by Malcolm Cook in The Interpreter


This article was published by The Lowy Interpreter on 26 April 2018.

Dr Malcolm Cook is Senior Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“A Malay tsunami may benefit Barisan Nasional – in Kelantan” – An Op-Ed by Norshahril Saat in Channel Newsasia


This article was first published as ISEAS Commentaries 2018/43, 24 April 2018 “BN Candidates List Shows it is Serious about Wrestling Kelantan from PAS” by Norshahril Saat and reproduced by CNA with updates on 27 April 2018.

Dr Norshahril Saat is Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“ASEAN is at an ‘inflection point'” – An Op-Ed by Vannarith Chheang on CGTN


This article was published by China Global TV Network on 26 April 2018.

Dr Vannarith Chheang is Visiting Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Asean 2018: More work to be done on labour migration” – An Op-Ed by Moe Thuzar in The Straits Times


This article was adapted from “ASEAN’s Long and Winding Road to Protecting Migrant Workers” ASEANFocus Issue 3/2017, and published by The Straits Times on 23 April 2018.

Ms Moe Thuzar is Fellow and Lead Researcher (Socio-Cultural Affairs) ASEAN Studies Centre with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. 


“Asean 2018: Reconciling consensus with new realities” – An Op-Ed by Hoang Thi Ha in The Straits Times


This article was adapted from “Reconciling Consensus with New Realities” ASEANFocus Issue 1/2017, and published by The Straits Times on 23 April 2018.

Ms Hoang Thi Ha is Fellow and Lead Researcher ASEAN Studies Centre with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. 


“Long-term implications of the GST for Malaysia” – An Op-Ed by Francis Hutchinson in The Sunday Times


This article was published by The Sunday Times on 22 April 2018.

Dr Francis Hutchinson is Senior Fellow and Coordinator, Malaysia Studies Programme with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Perpetual policy and its limited future as reforms stall” – An Op-Ed by Lee Hwok-Aun in New Mandala


This article was published by New Mandala on 18 April 2018.

Dr Lee Hwok-Aun is Senior Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.