
“The Quad: Less Than The Sum Of Its Parts?” – Op-Ed by Nick Bisley in Eurasia Review


This article was first published by ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute as ISEAS Perspective 2023/63 “The Quad: Less than the Sum of its Parts?” and republished by Eurasia Review on 31 July 2023.


Norshahril Saat quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “聂阿都未获提名 丹州伊党出现分歧?”


This article was published on 31 July 2023.


Nguyen Khac Giang quoted by Ming Pao: “新冠兩大貪案掀反腐高潮 越共總書記被指涉權鬥”


This article was published on 30 July 2023.


Le Hong Hiep interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao: “【世界大解说】越南经济腾飞 狮城资金抢布局”


This interview was published on 30 July 2023.


Moe Thuzar quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “或迫于内外压力 翁山淑枝已转移至政府设施软禁”


This article was published on 28 July 2023.


Melinda Martinus quoted by Asia Times: “China suspected of building aircraft carrier base in Cambodia”


This article was published on 27 July 2023 and referred to Fulcrum commentary Can Cambodia’s Future Foreign Policy Diverge from China?


Webinar on Best Practices in Grid Integration: Lessons for an ASEAN Power Grid


Sharon Seah quoted by SCMP: “India’s border security interests make Asean’s Myanmar peace plan a ‘second-rank concern’”


This article was published on 28 July 2023.


Termsak Chalermpalanupap quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “泰副首相:达信可在入狱首日寻求王室特赦”


This article was published on 27 July 2023.


Norshahril Saat quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “若人选策略得当 丹州巫统或能赢两三席”


This article was published on 28 July 2023.