
Ian Storey quoted by Benar News: “Russia says military drills planned with Vietnam”


This article was published on 19 April 2022.


“Indonesians want reassurance about democracy, not a third Joko Widodo term” – Op-Ed by Julia Lau in CNA


This article was first published by ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute as a Fulcrum commentary and republished by CNA on 19 April 2022.


“Greenwashing: a market distortion needing serious attention in Southeast Asia” – Op-Ed by Michael Schaper and Ryan Wong in Eco-Business


This article was first published by ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute as ISEAS Perspective 2022/31 “Greenwashing: A Market Distortion Needing Serious Attention in Southeast Asia” and republished by Eco-Business on 18 April 2022.


“Unpacking Russia’s Twitter disinformation” – Op-Ed by Darren Cheong in Straits Times


TThis article was first published by ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute as a Fulcrum article and republished by ST on 14 April 2022.


Serina Rahman quoted by The Star: “Thankful for the protection”


This article was published on 17 April 2022.


Aries Arugay quoted by Business Mirror: “How cups and social media play a part in the elections”


This article was published on 16 April 2022 and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2022/33 “Stronger Social Media Influence in the 2022 Philippine Elections”.


Yanuar Nugroho and Hui Yew-Foong quoted by Kalbar Terkini: “Jokowi Dinilai Remehkan Visi Poros Maritimnya Sendiri: Saran agar Jokowi Dikenang sebagai Bapak Indonesia Maju”


This article was published on 14 April 2022 and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2022/13 “A Roadmap for Consolidating Jokowi’s Legacy”.


Yanuar Nugroho and Hui Yew-Foong quoted by Suara Pemred: “Jokowi Miliki Waktu 15 Bulan Kejar Nawacita, ISEAS: Kinerjanya terus Membaik!”


This article was published on 14 April 2022 and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2022/13 “A Roadmap for Consolidating Jokowi’s Legacy”.


“Rising oil prices throw Indonesia’s energy subsidies into question” – Op-Ed by Siwage Dharma Negara in Thailand Business News


This article was republished from East Asia Forum on 14 April 2022.


Ha Hoang Hop and Le Hong Hiep quoted by Southeast Asia Globe: “Nuclear moves up the list of Vietnam’s power mix”


This article was published on 18 April 2022.