
Khoo Boo Teik quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “马哈迪:过去未有执政经验 希盟一些部长仍有“反对党作风””


This article was published by Lianhe Zaobao on 18 August 2018, and quoted Mr Khoo from ISEAS Perspective 2018/46 Mahathir Mohamad returns, but what of Mahathirism? 

Mr Khoo Boo Teik is Professor at The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan; and is the author of Paradoxes of Mahathirism: An Intellectual Biography of Mahathir Mohamad, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1995.  


“The Northeast Asian Exception” by Malcolm Cook


2018/85, 24 August 2018

It has long been an article of conventional wisdom that the lack of strategic trust between China, Japan and South Korea undermines economic cooperation between the three Northeast Asian trading powers and undercuts their ability to set regional and global rules and standards.


Leo Suryadinata quoted in The ASEAN Post: “Will Indonesia’s new anti-terrorism law be effective?”


This article was published by The ASEAN Post on 21 August 2018.

Dr Leo Suryadinata is Visiting Senior Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“印尼总统选举的伊斯兰因素” – An Op-Ed by Leo Suryadinata in Lianhe Zaobao


This article on “The Islamic Factor in Indonesia’s Presidential Election” was published by Lianhe Zaobao on 22 August 2018.

Dr Leo Suryadinata is Visiting Senior Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


Malcolm Cook quoted by Asia Times: “Japan sends helicopter carrier to South China Sea”


This article was published by Asia Times on 23 August 2018.

Dr Malcolm Cook is Senior Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Vietnam’s North-South High-speed Rail Project: A Renewed Opportunity for Japan?” by Le Hong Hiep


2018/84, 21 August 2018

In June 2010, Vietnam’s National Assembly voted to reject a proposal to build a North-South high-speed rail line connecting Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City. This proposal, backed by Japanese companies, failed to win the legislature’s approval due to its high price tag of USD56 billion, which was about half of Vietnam’s GDP in 2010.

However, the proposal has been revived recently. The Ministry of Transport (MOT) and a consortium of 3 local consulting companies are currently working with 20 provincial governments to gather inputs, especially regarding the location of the rail track and stations, for a project proposal to be submitted to the government within this year.


The 18th ASEAN Lecture on “ASEAN: Securing Relevance Amidst Change”


The 18th ASEAN Lecture on “ASEAN: Securing Relevance Amidst Change” was organized by the ASEAN Studies Centre at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. The Lecture was delivered by H.E. Dr Marty Natalegawa who was Indonesia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2009 – 2014.


Zha Daojiong quoted by Lianhe Zaobao: “本区域对“一带一路”接受度低 中国应更重视东南亚伙伴舒适度”


This article was published by Lianhe Zaobao on 20 August 2018.

Prof Zha Daojiong was Visiting Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute from 17 July to 15 August 2018, during which he delivered a seminar titled “Connectivity between China and Southeast Asia: Mission Impossible?” on 3 August 2018. 


In the News: 43rd Singapore Lecture by H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar “Myanmar’s Democratic Transition: Challenges and Way Forward”


The 43rd Singapore Lecture organised by ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, took place on 21 August 2018 at the Grand Hyatt, Singapore. 

The lecture by H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is titled “Myanmar’s Democratic Transition: Challenges and Way Forward”, and was chaired and moderated by DPM and Coordinating Minister for National Security Mr Teo Chee Hean.


Charlotte Setijadi quoted in OZY: “A Secular Backlash Against Islamism Is Brewing In Indonesia”


This article was published by on 19 August 2018.

Dr Charlotte Setijadi is Associate Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.