
Oh Su-Ann interviewed by ZDF German Television on Rohingya repatriation


This interview was broadcasted on 23 January 2018.

Dr Oh Su-Ann is Visiting Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


“Bangladesh is Right to Delay the Repatriation of Rohingya Refugees” by Su-Ann Oh


2018/6, 24 January 2018

The repatriation of Rohingya refugees (referred to as Bengali in Myanmar) from Bangladesh to Myanmar was slated to begin on 23 January but has been postponed by the Bangladesh government amid concerns about the repatriation procedures and the unwillingness of the refugees to return. Beyond these, there are several issues that still need to be addressed by the Myanmar government before a safe and voluntary return can occur.


“Cambodia reasserts a neutral foreign policy” – An Op-Ed by Vannarith Chheang in Khmer Times


This article was published by Khmer Times on 24 January 2018.

Dr Vannarith Chheang is Associate Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


Ian Storey quoted in Bloomberg: “Trump Shows Allies Aren’t Shielded From ‘America First’ Trade Moves”


This article was published by Bloomberg on 23 January 2018.

Dr Ian Storey is Senior Fellow with ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.


Regional Outlook Forum 2018: Session 6 – 60 years of Merdeka: Quo Vadis, Malaysia?


Regional Outlook Forum 2018: Session 5 – Outlook for Myanmar and Thailand


Regional Outlook Forum 2018: Session 4 – Outlook for Indonesia and The Philippines


Regional Outlook Forum 2018: Session 3 – Countering ISIS: The Marawi Aftermath


Regional Outlook Forum 2018: Session 2 – Economic Trends and their Impact on the Region


Regional Outlook Forum 2018: Session 1 – US-China Relations and Implications for Southeast Asia