
Seminar on “Their Accent Would Betray Them”: Undocumented Immigrants and the Sound of Illegality in the East Malaysian Borderlands


Andrew M. Carruthers shared his views on how state agents denote illegality in Sabah.


Malcolm Cook quoted in Financial Times: “Filipinos look for reasons to be cheerful about Rodrigo Duterte”


The article which was first published online by Financial Times on May 12, 2016, can be viewed here.

Mustafa Izzuddin mentioned in “3 things to consider before we criticise SMU don for his ‘unhinged rant’ on Chee Soon Juan”


The article which was first published online by on May 12, 2016, can be viewed here.

“Competition will throw up best investors for Myanmar”, an Op-Ed by Linda Lim


Professor Linda Lim shares her views in The Business Times edition of 12 May 2016 on the future of Myanmar’s economy under the new government. 

She is Professor of Strategy at the Stephen M Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, whose Center for Southeast Asian Studies, is co-organising a Myanmar Forum on May 20, with the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. 

To access the full article, click here


Seminar on Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook


In this seminar both speakers from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlight the challenges and prospects facing economies in Asia and the Pacific


“ASEAN must take the Lead to Remain Relevant in the South China Sea”, a Commentary by Jason Salim


To read more, please click here.

“ASEAN must take the Lead to Remain Relevant in the South China Sea”, by Jason Salim


Commentary 2016/16, 12 May 2016

The US Navy conducted its third freedom of navigation operations (FONOPS) in the South China Sea (SCS) on 10 May 2016. USS William P Lawrence’s sailpast across Fiery Cross Reef elicited a strident response from China, which scrambled two fighter jets and despatched three warships to shadow the guided missile destroyer. This proves both China’s determination to entrench its position on the SCS as well as the unintended consequences of FONOPS in escalating tensions between the two major powers. If the high-stakes game of brinkmanship between China and the US is allowed to take its course, ASEAN may soon find itself in the middle of an armed clash between the two major powers.


“Hang together or hang separately?”, an Op-Ed by Tang Siew Mun in The Straits Times


The article which was first published online by The Straits Times on May 12, 2016, can be viewed here.

Ian Storey quoted in Reuters: “China scrambles fighters as U.S. sails warship near Chinese-claimed reef”


The article which was first published online by Reuters on May 10, 2016, can be viewed here.

Related articles

1. The Straits Times: China fumes as US warship sails by disputed reef  – Click here to read more.
2. TODAY: US warship sails in disputed waters, challenging China – Click here to read more. 
3. Channel NewsAsia: US sails warship near Chinese-claimed reef in South China Sea – Click here to read more.

“Philippine elections, more continuity than change”, an Op-Ed by Malcolm Cook in Lowy Interpreter


The article which was first published online by The Lowy Interpreter on May 10, 2016, can be viewed here.