
“ASEAN Secretary-General’s Views on South China Sea”, a Commentary by Termsak Chalermpalanupap


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“ASEAN Secretary-General’s Views on South China Sea”, by Termsak Chalermpalanupap


Commentary 2016/15, 10 May 2016

ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong Minh added his voice to the chorus of sceptics on the emergence of an “important consensus” on the South China Sea (SCS) between China and three ASEAN countries – Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia and Laos – during the 25th Fullerton Lecture organised by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore on 9 May 2016.


Ian Storey quoted in Reuters: “Taiwan enters South China Sea legal fray, as group seeks to sway international court”


The article which was first published online by Reuters on May 09, 2016, can be viewed here.

Terence Chong quoted in The Straits Times: “Study to plug gaps in laws on archaeology”


The article which was first published online by The Straits Times on May 10, 2016, can be viewed here.

ISEAS mentioned in The Straits Times: “Parliament: Review of archaeological finds underway to address gaps in existing laws”


The article which was first published online by The Straits Times on May 09, 2016, can be viewed here.

Mustafa Izzuddin quoted in The New Paper: “Best showing, but should Dr Chee be going?”


The article which was first published online by The New Paper on May 09, 2016, can be viewed here.

“Duterte, Jokowi and ASEAN”, a Commentary by Malcolm Cook


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“Duterte, Jokowi and ASEAN”, by Malcolm Cook


Commentary 2016/14, 10 May 2016

The political ascensions to the summits of power of the presumptive president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, and first-term Indonesian president Joko Widodo are very similar in their disinterest in foreign policy in general and in ASEAN in particular.


“Adenan Strengthens Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Rule in Sarawak”, a Commentary by Lee Hock Guan


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“Adenan Strengthens Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Rule in Sarawak”, by Lee Hock Guan


Commentary 2016/13, 9 May 2016

With his inclusive policies, aided by a well-oiled party machinery, money politics and gerrymandering, Sarawak’s Chief Minister Adenan Satem helped the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition win 72 of 82 at the 11th Sarawak state elections held on 7 May. It also benefited the BN that the opposition not only failed to unite in opposing BN, but, instead, repeatedly condemned one another for failing to compromise on seat allocations. Tellingly, the BN campaign focused largely on Sarawakian issues and indeed the corruption scandal swirling around Prime Minister Najib Razak was practically a non-factor.