Daily News on Southeast Asia – 14 Feb 2023

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia PacificEast/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. Cambodia working towards independent foreign policy
Chansambath Bong, Asian Vision Institute
East Asia Forum, 14 February 2023


2. Identity politics is us, Ummah Party leader says
Jakarta Post, 14 February 2023
3. Sandiaga seeks Prabowo’s approval for potential presidential bid
Jakarta Post, 13 February 2023
4. Golkar seen as key player in fluid coalition building
Yerica Lai
Jakarta Post, 13 February 2023
5. IUAE-CEPA: What’s Next for Indonesia-UAE Relations?
Dr. Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat, Yeta Purnama
Stratsea, 13 February 2023


6. Kit Siang’s attempt to flush out the opposition
Terence Netto
Free Malaysia Today, 14 February 2023
7. MCA sec-gen says party polls this year after state elections
John Bunyan
Malay Mail Online, 14 February 2023
8. Having Nurul Izzah co-chair Finance Ministry advisory panel still nepotism, claims Bersatu MP
Shahrin Aizat Noorshahrizam
Malay Mail Online, 14 February 2023
9. PBRS now declares support for Hajiji and GRS
Julia CHan
Malay Mail Online, 14 February 2023
10. PKR, Umno youth leaders fear backlash over Ramasamy remarks
Mohd Farhan Darwis
Malaysian Insight, 14 February 2023
11. Politik Sabah ikut jejak Sarawak? [Are the politics of Sabah following in the footsteps of Sarawak?]
Mohd Azizi Jaeh
Malaysian Insight, 14 February 2023
12. No GST or consumption tax, reduce subsidies for rich instead: Anwar
Qistina Nadia Dzulqarnain
The Vibes, 14 February 2023
13. 马华总会长退居幕后的可能性 [The possibility of MCA president retreating into the background]
星洲网, 14 February 2023
14. PAS dakwa konsep Malaysia Madani tersasar daripada teladan Rasulullah SAW [PAS claims Malaysia Madani concept strays from the example of the Prophet Muhammad]
Latifah Arifin
Berita Harian, 13 February 2023
15. Formula ‘hidup bersama’ permulaan evolusi kerjasama parti berseteru [Formula of ‘co-existence’ is the beginning of the evolution of cooperation between rival parties]
Mujibu Abd Muis adalah Pensyarah Kanan Sains Politik, Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran & Pengajian Polisi (FSPPP), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Berita Harian, 13 February 2023
16. UMNO reaffirms commitment to back Anwar as PM till end of term
Bernama, 13 February 2023
17. Malaysia Madani: Isu pengukuhan teras tamadun Malaysia [Strengthening the core of Malaysian civilization]
Osman Bakar
Malaysian Insight, 13 February 2023
18. Malaysia’s ‘compassionate’ US$1 meals a hit with low-income, but small businesses wary
Amy Sood
South China Morning Post, 13 February 2023
19. More Umno members keen on joining PAS, says Islamist party
Wani Muthiah
Star, 13 February 2023
20. Malaysian King says there would be no political chaos if MPs had bridged differences to serve people
Hazlin Hassan
Straits Times, 13 February 2023
21. In Malaysia, Anwar’s Alliance With UMNO Could Be a Dead End
[The book “Beijing’s Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World” is available at ISEAS Library.]
Joshua Kurlantzick
World Politics Review, 13 February 2023
22. Malaysia’s corruption perception rating stagnates in 2022 with many accused politicians still in power
[Link to the Corruption Perceptions Index 2022]
Amy Sood
South China Morning Post, 12 February 2023


23. Junta Reshuffle Shows Nepotism Rules in Myanmar
Irrawaddy, 13 February 2023
24. Socio-economic impacts of the Myanmar coup in Tanintharyi Region
Mizzima, 13 February 2023
25. Myanmar junta revives 1977 law allowing ‘loyal’ civilians to bear arms
Radio Free Asia, 13 February 2023


26. Can Marcos maintain warm economic ties with China amid a military tilt to the US?
Richard Heydarian
South China Morning Post, 14 February 2023
27. Transcript: Philippine President Marcos speaks with Nikkei Asia
Nikkei Asia, 13 February 2023


28. Editorial: Old, poor and unemployable
Bangkok Post, 12 February 2023
29. The untold story of the world’s most resilient currency
Ruchir Sharma
Financial Times, 12 February 2023


30. Vietnam at center of Japan’s ASEAN supply chain shift: survey
Lien Hoang
Nikkei Asia, 14 February 2023
31. Is the Communist Party of Vietnam Set to Establish a ‘Core Leadership’ Position?
Hai Hong Nguyen
Diplomat, 13 February 2023
32. State investment fund needed to attract foreign indirect investment
VietNamNet, 13 February 2023

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

33. New Thai-Malaysia economic dynamics
Kavi Chongkittavorn
Bangkok Post, 14 February 2023
34. Cambodia, Laos to deepen economic cooperation
Khmer Times, 14 February 2023
35. Survei Pusat Studi ASEAN: Indonesia Pilih Tiongkok Dibandingkan AS
[Link to The State of Southeast Asia: 2023 Survey Report]
Surya Lesmana
Berita Satu, 13 February 2023
36. ASEAN Seeks Single Window Expansion with Japan for Greater Trade
Jayanty Nada Shofa
Jakarta Globe, 13 February 2023
37. Indonesia, East Timor to expand economic ties at two border islands
Nana Shibata & Ismi Damayanti
Nikkei Asia, 13 February 2023
38. Boracay Digital Declaration
ASEAN Secretariat News, 10 February 2023

Asia Pacific

39. Understanding America’s Enduring Interest in the Indo-Pacific
Harsh V. Pant & Anant Singh Mann
Observer Research Foundation, 14 February 2023
40. Surveys flag S-E Asia’s power shifts
[Link to The State of Southeast Asia: 2023 Survey Report and the Asia Power Index]
Ravi Velloor
Straits Times, 14 February 2023
41. China’s Belt and Road to Nowhere
Christina Lu
Foreign Policy, 13 February 2023
42. Six key trends to watch in 2023
David Liao
Jakarta Post, 13 February 2023
43. Chinese balloon saga jeopardises ‘Asian peace’
Goh Choon Kang
ThinkChina, 13 February 2023

East/South China Sea

44. US backs PH in laser dispute with China, warns it will invoke defense treaty
Raymund Antonio
Manila Bulletin, 14 February 2023
45. South China Sea: Philippines says China used ‘military-grade’ laser against boat
Joel Guinto
BBC, 13 February 2023
46. How a new Vietnam-Indonesia deal will affect South China Sea disputes
Mike Yeo
Defense News, 13 February 2023
47. How the “nine-dash line” fuels tensions in the South China Sea
Economist, 10 February 2023

Climate Change/Environment

48. Corporate greenwashing ‘bad and getting worse’
[Link to the report, “Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023”]
Khmer Times, 14 February 2023
49. Asia’s green transition will require more climate finance
Marija Ralic and Tristan Ace
Nikkei Asia, 14 February 2023
50. Vietnam’s environmental NGOs face uncertain status, shrinking civic space
Hướng Thiện
Mongabay, 13 February 2023


Global Economy
51. Decolonizing Global Finance
Hippolyte Fofack
Project Syndicate, 10 February 2023

Image credit: Image by Geraldine Ng on Unsplash.

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