Daily News on Southeast Asia – 6 Apr 2023

ISEAS Library wishes all our subscribers a blessed Good Friday and a lovely Easter. Due to the public holiday, the next Daily News Alert will be released on Monday, 10 April 2023.

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. This alert service contains articles focusing on Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

This issue of Daily News Alert includes an article with a citation attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute from The State of Southeast Asia Survey 2023.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia PacificEast/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. New capital development 25% complete: Hadimuljono
Antara, 6 April 2023
2. PDI-P says won’t go it alone in 2024 race
Yerica Lai
Jakarta Post, 6 April 2023
3. Lido SEZ can keep $4.1 million in tourism spending in the country: Govt
Jakarta Post, 6 April 2023
4. The force of nationalism is strong in Indonesia. This year it will reach fever pitch
M. Taufiqurrahman
Jakarta Post, 6 April 2023
5. Bagaimana pengangkatan penjabat kepala daerah sebelum Pemilu 2024 rawan maladministrasi dan mengancam demokrasi [How the appointment of acting regional heads before the 2024 elections is prone to maladministration and threatens democracy]
Sutan Sorik, Peneliti Pusat Riset Hukum BRIN, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
Conversation, 5 April 2023
6. Prabowo Invites Hary Tanoesoedibjo’s Perindo to Join ‘Big Coalition’
Yustinus Paat
Jakarta Globe, 5 April 2023


7. Safeguard mosques from becoming a political arena: Malaysia king
Rhea Yasmine Bte Alis Haizan
Channel News Asia, 6 April 2023
8. Race ‘considerations’ will still guide govt policies, says Fitch Solutions
Free Malaysia Today, 6 April 2023
9. In DAP, 3 terms and above reserved only for warlords?
Shankar R. Santhiram
Free Malaysia Today, 6 April 2023
10. PKR’s Sheraton Move deserters: How are they faring three years later?
Praba Ganesan
Malay Mail Online, 6 April 2023
11. Groups urge PM to prioritise new economic policy for Malays
Diyana Ibrahim
Malaysian Insight, 6 April 2023
12. ‘Sultanate land’ does not mean it belongs to ruler, says MB
Nelson Benjamin
Star, 6 April 2023
13. 马华和火箭,对手或伙伴? [MCA and DAP, opponents or partners?]
星洲网, 6 April 2023
14. State Polls: Negeri Sembilan Umno, Ph Hold Early Discussion on Seat Distribution
Bernama, 5 April 2023
15. My Say: Follow-up on IMF’s report card with an overhaul of the 12th Malaysia Plan
Ramesh Chander, Murray Hunter and Lim Teck Ghee
Edge Markets, 5 April 2023
16. What does Anwar’s tilt towards China mean for Malaysia?
Murray Hunter
MySinchew, 5 April 2023
17. LDP, PHRS join Hajiji’s Gabungan Rakyat Sabah
Olivia Miwil
New Straits Times, 5 April 2023
18. Doubts over Malaysia’s graft busters undermine PM Anwar’s anti-corruption pledge
Shannon Teoh
Straits Times, 5 April 2023
19. A Fiery Mix of Religious Institutions and Politics in Malaysia
Syaza Shukri
Stratsea, 5 April 2023


20. Two Years of Turmoil: Myanmar’s Spiraling Civil War
[First of three part series]
Naw Theresa
Diplomat, 6 April 2023
21. Rise in unlicenced garment factories fuels labour exploitation in post-coup Myanmar
Frontier Myanmar, 5 April 2023


22. US to Host Top Philippine Officials For Third 2+2 Ministerial Meeting
Sebastian Strangio
Diplomat, 6 April 2023
23. Philippine Jeepney modernization creates political headache
Yuichi Shiga
Nikkei Asia, 6 April 2023
24. Philippine workers seek hike in minimum wage amid inflation
Michael Beltran
Nikkei Asia, 5 April 2023


25. Pheu Thai pushes hi-tech
Aekarach Sattaburuth
Bangkok Post, 6 April 2023
26. Parties unveil ‘back to basics’, graft policies
Bangkok Post, 6 April 2023
27. Changing Thailand: The Series – Part 2: Managing household debt
Chartchai Parasuk
Bangkok Post, 6 April 2023
28. Thailand’s cannabis future drags on in political limbo
Nation Thailand, 6 April 2023
29. Thai opposition confirms Thaksin’s daughter as PM candidate
Channel News Asia, 5 April 2023
30. New EEC chief unveils 5-year plan for sustainable development, aims to bring in THB2.2 trillion investment
Nation Thailand, 5 April 2023
31. Corruption is spreading like cancer in Thailand, Democrats warn
Nation Thailand, 5 April 2023
32. Can tycoon Supant apply his business acumen to drive Thailand?
Nation Thailand, 5 April 2023
33. Generals, tycoon and political neophyte among PM candidates as Thailand heads into election
Chayut Setboonsarng and Panarat Thepgumpanat
Reuters, 5 April 2023


34. Comprehending Timor-Leste’s Delayed Accession to ASEAN
Mabda Haerunnisa Fajrilla Sidiq
Diplomat, 6 April 2023


35. Vietnam Set to Prosecute 54 Officials Over Repatriation Flight Scandal
Sebastian Strangio
Diplomat, 6 April 2023
36. Vietnam strikes balance between U.S., China via phone diplomacy
Yuji Nitta
Nikkei Asia, 6 April 2023
37. Japan-Vietnam Energy Relations: Opportunities and Risks
Viktor Tachev
Energy Tracker, 6 April 2023

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

38. Asean shifting away from dollar – economist
Xinhua News Agency
Manila Times, 6 April 2023
39. China support for Asean nuclear weapon-free zone ‘counter-intuitive’ if other states do not sign pact
Maria Siow
South China Morning Post, 6 April 2023
40. ASEAN Members Say Yes to Regional EV Ecosystem
Jayanty Nada Shofa
Jakarta Globe, 5 April 2023
41. Indonesia has met more stakeholders from Myanmar, progress to resolve crisis has been made: Minister
Hariz Baharudin
Straits Times, 5 April 2023

Asia Pacific

42. China offers unified train ticketing app for all Belt and Road countries
Channel News Asia, 6 April 2023
43. China is its own worst enemy
Daniel R. Depetris
Interpreter, 6 April 2023
44. China’s huge Asian investments fail to buy it soft power
Economist, 5 April 2023
45. Deepening Sino-US tensions: implications for Malaysia and Southeast Asia
Faiz Abdullah
Institute of Strategic International Studies, 5 April 2023
46. Japan to start funding foreign defence projects after rule change
South China Morning Post, 5 April 2023

East/South China Sea

47. 维护南海和平稳定为何依然紧迫 [Why Maintaining Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Is Still Urgent]
环球网, 6 April 2023
48. Malaysian, Philippine negotiations with Beijing on sea exploration could create ASEAN friction
Benar News, 5 April 2023
49. Sarawak premier’s chief political aide says govt must not back down as Beting Patinggi Ali belongs to Malaysia
Sulok Tawie
Malay Mail Online, 5 April 2023

Climate Change/Environment

50. Cuma formalitas: Riset temukan penghargaan lingkungan Nirwasita Tantra pemerintah hanya berdasarkan dokumen, bukan kenyataan [Just a formality: Research finds the government’s Nirwasita Tantra environmental award is only based on documents, not reality]
Yogi Setya Permana, Peneliti Doktoral, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies; Dini Suryani, Peneliti di Pusat Riset Politik, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
Conversation, 5 April 2023


Global economy
51. Geopolitics and Fragmentation Emerge as Serious Financial Stability Threats
Mario Catalán, Fabio Natalucci, Mahvash S. Qureshi, Tomohiro Tsuruga
IMF Blog, 5 April 2023

Media, Technology & Society
52. Vietnam to conduct ‘comprehensive inspection’ of TikTok over harmful content
Business Times, 6 April 2023
53. International cybercrimes target Asian citizens
Didik Eko Pujianto
Jakarta Post, 6 April 2023

Image credit: Photo by Joshua Anand on Unsplash

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