Daily News on Southeast Asia – 26 Apr 2023

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia Pacific | East/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. Cambodia’s opposition should use its wilderness years to recover its base
David Hutt
Radio Free Asia, 25 April 2023


2. Indonesia as ASEAN Chair
[Link to 58-minute webinar recording]
Donald Greenlees
Asia Link, 26 April 2023

3. Indonesian Presidential Sweepstakes in Confusion
Asia Sentinel, 26 April 2023

4. Building on past success to open up new prospects for China-Indonesia friendship
Qi Wei
Jakarta Post, 26 April 2023

5. Mahfud is favorite running mate for Ganjar, Prabowo and Anies
Kornelius Purba
Jakarta Post, 26 April 2023

6. Prediksi Tiga Poros Koalisi di Pilpres 2024 [Predictions for the Three Coalitions in the 2024 Presidential Election]
Republika, 26 April 2023

7. Indonesia’s 2024 presidential election may boil down to a fight between VP candidates: Analysts
Wahyudi Soeriaatmadja
Straits Times, 26 April 2023

8. Yasmin Church Dispute Reveals the Tensions in Indonesia’s Religious Policy
Paul Marshall
Diplomat, 25 April 2023

9. Elektabilitas Anies akan Pengaruhi Jadi-tidaknya Ganjar dan Prabowo Berpasangan di Pilpres [Anies’ electability will affect whether or not Ganjar and Prabowo pair up in the presidential election]
Antara, Nawir Arsyad Akbar & Febrian Fachri
Republika, 25 April 2023

10. Indonesia’s potential presidential candidates and two superpowers
Leo Suryadinata, Visiting Senior Fellow, ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
ThinkChina, 25 April 2023


11. 2022 Was a Good Year for Petronas
James Guild
Diplomat, 26 April 2023

12. Cerita oghe Kelate [Kelate’s oghe story]
Mohsin Abdullah
Free Malaysia Today, 26 April 2023

13. Penang chief minister says reclamation work for man-made island project to start in third quarter of 2023
Opalyn Mok
Malay Mail Online, 26 April 2023

14. J-Kom chief: PAS no longer about compassion, just hatred against those who are different
Ben Tan
Malay Mail Online, 26 April 2023

15. Kelantan Harapan’s hip-hop infused song struggles to strike a chord
Malaysiakini, 26 April 2023

16. Premier: Sarawak focusing on infrastructure development for Post Covid-19 Development Strategy 2030
Malay Mail Online, 25 April 2023

17. How 25-year Mahathir-Anwar feud has left deep marks on Malaysian politics, society
Murray Hunter
MySinchew, 25 April 2023


18. The Children Fighting in Myanmar’s Civil War
Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Diplomat, 26 April 2023

19. India and the ‘Radar Stations’ in Myanmar and Sri Lanka
Rathindra Kuruwita
Diplomat, 25 April 2023

20. Myanmar military must take first steps out of country’s crisis, says former UN chief
Tan Hui Yee
Straits Times, 25 April 2023


21. 学者安娜·马林博格-乌伊:菲律宾应坚持真正的独立自主 [Scholar Anna Malindog-Uy: The Philippines should insist on true independence]
Anna Malindog-Uy是菲律宾“亚洲世纪”战略研究所副所长
环球网, 26 April 2023

22. Local Leaders Question Expanded US Military Presence in the Philippines
Mong Palatino
Diplomat, 25 April 2023


23. Singapore moves up 2 spots to top world ranking on government effectiveness
[Link to 156-page PDF report “2023 Chandler Good Government Index report and country rankings”]
Nation Thailand, 26 April 2023


24. Power bills set to stay put amid Egat losses
Yuthana Praiwan
Bangkok Post, 26 April 2023

25. Dems see Hat Yai as next Hong Kong
Bangkok Post, 26 April 2023

26. Government eyes B11bn power subsidy
Mongkol Bangprapa & Phusadee Arunmas
Bangkok Post, 26 April 2023

27. Panel pours cold water on party cash handout policies
Mongkol Bangprapa
Bangkok Post, 26 April 2023

28. Democrats unveil plan to end Thai southern insurgency that has killed 7,000
Nation Thailand, 25 April 2023

29. Thai election offers chance to break through reform logjam
Thitinan Pongsudhirak
Nikkei Asia, 25 April 2023


30. Vietnam’s digital ambitions spur hopes among U.S. businesses
Lien Hoang
Nikkei Asia, 26 April 2023

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

31. Understanding the ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement: A Means to Support ASEAN Integration
[Link to 6-page PDF Policy Brief]
Mima Sefrina
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, 26 April 2023

32. Quad should ask ASEAN to a diplomatic dance
Ved Shinde
Interpreter, 26 April 2023

33. 马印不宜与欧盟硬碰 [Malaysia and Indonesia should not confront the EU head-on]
Malaysian Insight, 26 April 2023

34. India hosts ‘1.5’ informal Myanmar talks amid flurry of diplomacy
Thompson Chau & Gwen Robinson
Nikkei Asia, 26 April 2023

35. Time Is Running out for Indonesia to Turn the Tide on Myanmar
David Hutt
Diplomat, 25 April 2023

36. Vietnam and Cambodia vow to facilitate cross border cooperation
Voice of Vietnam, 25 April 2023

Asia Pacific

37. US-China relations have entered a frightening new era
Martin Wolf
Financial Times, 26 April 2023

38. Issues & Insights Vol. 23, CR1 – South China Sea, East China Sea, and the Emerging US-Japan-Philippines Trilateral
[Link to 22-page PDF document]
Jeffrey Ordaniel & Carl W. Baker
Pacific Forum, 25 April 2023

39. China-US Tech War: The Impact on Global Food Security
Zhang Hongzhou, Paul Teng & Genevieve Donnellon-May
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 25 April 2023

Climate Change/Environment

40. ‘Playing with fire’: the countdown to mining the deep seas for critical minerals
Kenza Bryan & Harry Dempsey
Financial Times, 25 April 2023

41. China ramps up coal power despite carbon neutral pledges
Amy Hawkins
Guardian, 24 April 2023



42. G-7 can turn the tide on digital trade restrictions
Jeff Paine
Nikkei Asia, 26 April 2023

Global Economy

43. The simmering movement towards de-dollarisation
Bangkok Post, 25 April 2023

Image credit: Photo by Joshua Anand on Unsplash

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