Daily News on Southeast Asia – 20 Feb 2024

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

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Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia Pacific | East/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Media, Technology & Society | Others


1. IKN ‘more upbeat’ on investment after election provides certainty
Deni Ghifari
Jakarta Post, 20 February 2024
2. Businesses fear import restrictions to disrupt raw material shipments
Yohana Belinda
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024
3. Jokowi blames spike in rice price on climate change
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024

Indonesian General Election 2024

4. 7 crucial issues casting a shadow over Prabowo-Gibran’s likely Indonesian election victory
Shinta Saragih
The Conversation, 16 February 2024

5. Prabowo galas harapan tinggi jadikan Indonesia lebih makmur [Prabowo expresses high hopes for making Indonesia more prosperous]
Ilah Hafiz Azizi
Berita Harian, 20 February 2024
6. Strategi Airlangga Rangkul Milenial Dongkrak Suara Golkar di Pemilu 2024 [Airlangga’s Strategy to Embrace Millennials to Boost Golkar’s Vote in the 2024 Election]
Republika, 20 February 2024
7. 中国印尼关系的确定性不会变 [The certainty of China-Indonesia relations will not change]
环球网, 20 February 2024
8. ‘I’m just a bridge’: Jokowi downplays meeting with Surya Paloh
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024
9. PDI-P demands clarity from KPU on district tally halt
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024
10. Prabowo’s victory won’t bring authoritarian rule back in Indonesia
Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir
Nikkei Asia, 19 February 2024
11. Pertemuan Jokowi-Paloh dan SBY-Prabowo Berkaitan? Ini Analisis Guru Besar Politik [Are the Jokowi-Paloh and SBY-Prabowo meetings related? This is the analysis of a professor of politics]
Republika, 19 February 2024
12. Indonesia’s Less than Substantial Presidential Debates
Faris Ibrahim
Stratsea, 19 February 2024


13. Malaysia sets end of year deadline and possible precedent for greater federal and Syariah law alignment
Rhea Yasmine Alis Haizan
Channel News Asia, 20 February 2024
14. Malaysia overdue for public service reform
Edwin Goh
Free Malaysia Today, 20 February 2024
15. Simplified: Why Malaysia’s vernacular schools are constitutional and their use of Tamil and Chinese is legally protected, according to Court of Appeal
Ida Lim
Malay Mail Online, 20 February 2024
16. How Anwar can power the ringgit
P Gunasegaram
Malaysiakini, 20 February 2024
17. Govt moots youth election to nurture future leaders
Malaysiakini, 20 February 2024
18. Legal challenge issue blown out of proportion
Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa, Founder & Director, Islamic Renaissance Front
New Straits Times, 20 February 2024
19. Analysts: Upko’s candid approach signals rejuvenation, yet may face resistance from Sabahans
Olivia Miwil
New Straits Times, 20 February 2024
20. Malaysia’s Islamist party applauds PM Anwar’s vow to put sharia bill back before parliament
Joseph Sipalan
South China Morning Post, 20 February 2024
21. Kampung Baru Cina is soul and heritage of all Malaysians
Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
MySinchew, 19 February 2024
22. Malaysian opposition party Bersatu roiled by internal feud as Muhyiddin plans retirement
Shannon Teoh
Straits Times, 19 February 2024


23. Purity or pragmatism? The CDM dilemma
Rachel Moon
Frontier Myanmar, 19 February 2024
24. Conscription Law Adds to Concerns Over Forced Migration From Myanmar to Thailand
Surachanee Sriyai
Irrawaddy, 19 February 2024


25. 菲律賓擬採購潛艦 專家:至少需要3艘才能嚇阻中國 [The Philippines plans to purchase submarines, experts: at least 3 submarines are needed to deter China]
Liberty Times, 19 February 2024
26. Philippines counts the cost of tough South China Sea stance against Beijing
Lucio Blanco Pitlo III
South China Morning Post, 16 February 2024


27. Daily Cuts – Thaksin Shinawatra release from detention and implications [11-min podcast]
Channel News Asia, 20 February 2024
28. PM faces new leadership test
Bangkok Post, 19 February 2024
29. The Self-Defeating Nature of Thailand’s ‘Soft Power’ Push
Mark S. Cogan
Diplomat, 19 February 2024
30. Thaksin’s parole stirs anger in Thailand at ‘double standards’ across political spectrum
Aidan Jones
South China Morning Post, 19 February 2024
31. OAG puts Thaksin’s lese majeste case on hold until April 10, rejects claims of bias
The Nation, 19 February 2024
32. Deputy PM insists Srettha has full power as premier, no interference from Thaksin
The Nation, 19 February 2024


33. Precarity and pride prevalent in Timor-Leste’s 2024
Michael Rose, University of Adelaide
East Asia Forum, 20 February 2024


34. Vietnam business hub breaks ground on Metro Line 2
Lien Hoang
Nikkei Asia, 19 February 2024

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

35. ASEAN members are finding ways around bloc paralysis
Richard Heydarian
Nikkei Asia, 20 February 2024
36. Japan’s arms transfers to Southeast Asia: Upping the ante?
[Originally published here on Fulcrum]
William Choong
ThinkChina, 19 February 2024

Asia Pacific

37. ‘Natural’ for Japan to play larger Aukus role amid China threat, but likely not as partner
Julian Ryall
South China Morning Post, 19 February 2024

Media, Technology & Society

38. Fahmi launches journo code of ethics, warns against fake news
Mohamad Fadli
Free Malaysia Today, 20 February 2024

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