New Journals & Magazines, 20 Apr 2023

A new journal is now available at ISEAS Library! The print edition of the Muslim Politics Review is now available at the Library thanks to the generosity of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII).

This issue of New Journals Alert contains an article by ISEAS Visiting Fellow, A’an Suryana.


Asia Pacific Viewpoint V.64 ISS.1 (APR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU DU1 P15

Asian Economic Papers V.22 ISS.1 (WIN/SPR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU HC411 A831

Asian Journal of Social Science V.51 ISS.1 (MAR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU HN661 S72

Asian Survey V.63 ISS.2 (MAR/APR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU DS1 A84

Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies V.59 ISS.1 (2023)

Online access | Available at JOU HC446 B93

Comparative Political Studies V.56 ISS.6 (MAY 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU JA1 C73

Critical Asian Studies V.55 ISS.1 (2023)

Online access | Available at JOU DS1 C73

International Journal of Asian Christianity V.6 ISS.1 (MAR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU BR1 A1I61

Journal of East Asian Studies V.23 ISS.1 (MAR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU DS501 J863

Muslim Politics Review V.1 NO.2 (2022)

Online access | Available at JOU BP173.7 M98

Policy & Internet V.15 NO.1 (MAR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU HM851

The Singapore Economic Review V.68 NO.2 (MAR 2023)

Online access | Available at JOU HC497 S6A2M


The Economist

  • Apr 15, 2023
  • Apr 8, 2023

Nikkei Asia  

  • Apr 10, 2023
  • Apr 3, 2023


  • Apr 10, 2023
  • Apr 3, 2023


  • Apr 24/May 1, 2023 (double issue)

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