Indonesia’s Health Sector Reform: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities


About the Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the limitations of Indonesia’s healthcare system. Since then, healthcare has become a national priority, leading to increased budget allocation and efforts to reform the sector.

In 2023, the government passed a new Health Law as part of a major transformation of the national healthcare system. The new Law aims to simplify, consolidate, and improve upon existing laws, including the Medical Practice Law, the Hospitals Law, and the Health Workers Law.

While there has been some progress, though limited, following the provision of the new Health Law, there have been some challenges and resistance from various stakeholders. In this webinar, an Indonesian health policy expert will discuss the progress and challenges faced by the government as it continues to reform Indonesia’s healthcare system. He will also talk about what additional implementing regulations are needed to tackle the issues faced by Indonesia’s healthcare system and how Indonesia can collaborate with other countries in expediting its health sector development.

About the Speaker

Professor Laksono Trisnantoro is the director of health policy and management for the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He also serves as the Special Staff to Indonesia’s Minister of Health for the Resilience of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industries. Previously, he worked as a short-term consultant for the World Health Organisation and the World Bank.

Prof Laksono earned his PhD in a joint health policy program from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics. He completed his postdoctoral program at Harvard University. His primary interest is health policy and administration, especially health service decentralisation.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

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If you have questions for the speaker, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speakers during the Q&A session.


Jun 04 2024


2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

More Info


