Myanmar in 2024: Expectations and Outlook


About the Webinar

Three years after seizing power in 2021, the writing on the wall looms larger for the State Administration Council (SAC) military regime in Myanmar. The economy’s dead-alive state indicates the deteriorating socio-economic situation in the country, now entering a fourth year under military rule. Resistance against the military continues across Myanmar, with several parts of the country contesting SAC control more than before. Operation 1027, launched by ethnic armed organisations in northern Shan State in October 2023, has caused much discussion on whether the SAC can maintain its grip on the country. Yet, plans for a census and a projected election continue.

ISEAS Myanmar Studies Programme joins in conversation two long-time analysts on the expectations and outlook for Myanmar in 2024, including the potential trajectory and implications of Operation 1027, attitudes and responses of the various political and ethnic stakeholders towards the current spiral of conflict, the context of various “peace” negotiations, aspirations for federalism, and the SAC’s moves in proceeding with census and elections.

About the Speakers

Min Zin is the executive director of the Institute for Strategy and Policy-Myanmar, an independent, nongovernmental Myanmar think-tank. He is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Min Zin studies comparative politics with a special focus on civil-military relations, democratization, and contentious politics, and has written for the New York Times and Foreign Policy, among others. His writings appear in many edited volumes, Journal of Democracy, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Social Research: An International Quarterly, Contemporary Southeast Asia, and Asian Survey.

Mary Callahan is Associate Professor of International Studies at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, at the University of Washington. Her research and teaching interests are in the SMS, PVS, and LRG fields for the Jackson School PhD programme, with a particular emphasis on Political Reform in Post-Junta Constitutional Myanmar. Her research has also included Asian militaries in political reform processes, the history of peace negotiations in modern Myanmar, and civil-military relations in South-East Asia.


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Feb 02 2024


10:00 am - 11:30 am

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