Seminar: The Trump Administration and Southeast Asia: The First 10%


About the Seminar

President Trump and questions about how he and his administration are changing US foreign policy and place in the world dominate front and opinion pages, and many of our social media feeds.  It is still not clear what the Trump administration’s Asia policy is and where Southeast Asia and Southeast Asian states fit within it. The Obama administration’s pivot and rebalance have been declared dead. What will take their place?

Looking at the first five months of the Trump administration, the three panellists will analyse what has and has not changed in US-Southeast Asia relations and what guidance this initial transition period provides for the rest of the current Trump administration’s approach to our region.

About the Speakers

Walter Lohman is the Director of the Asian Studies Center at the Heritage Foundation, the largest, most broadly-supported conservative research and educational institution in the United States, and an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University where he teaches courses on US-East Asia relations. Prior to joining the Heritage Foundation in 2006, Walter was the Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the US-ASEAN Business Council. He has years of experience working on Asian matters in the US Senate.

Joseph Liow Chin Yong is Dean and Professor of Comparative and International Politics at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. From 2014 to 2016, Joseph held the inaugural Lee Kuan Yew Chair in Southeast Asia Studies at the Brookings Institution, Washington DC, where he was also a Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Program.

Ian Storey is a Senior Fellow and Editor of the academic journal Contemporary Southeast Asia at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. Dr Storey specializes in Asian security issues, with a focus on Southeast Asia and the South China Sea dispute.


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Jun 30 2017


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


ISEAS Seminar Room 2