Sino-Japanese Relations in the Post-Pandemic Era: Implications for Southeast Asia


About the Webinar

The Sino-Japanese relationship is one of the most important sets of bilateral relations for Asia and the world. From a relatively cordial relationship in the 1980s, Sino-Japanese ties have evolved to become increasingly antagonistic over a range of issues since the 1990s. Amid the trade war and intensified US-China rivalry, Trump’s “America First” foreign policy has further complicated Tokyo’s and Beijing’s respective strategic calculus. Notwithstanding these developments, Sino-Japanese relations have largely taken a turn for the better over the past year, as both Tokyo and Beijing appeared to have set aside their differences to focus on tackling the domestic challenges posed by the spread of Covid-19. This talk will take stock of recent developments in Sino-Japanese relations. It will also assess the opportunities and challenges for Beijing and Tokyo to grow their ties especially under the current Biden administration, and conclude with some thoughts on what this might mean for Southeast Asia.


About the Speaker

Dr Victor Teo is a political scientist whose research interests lie in international relations of the Asia-Pacific, with particular emphasis on China and Japan. He is currently co-investigator and research fellow of “The Cold War and Asian Regionalism” project housed at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Cambridge. From September to December 2020, he was Visiting Senior Research Fellow under the Wang Gungwu Visiting Fellows Programme at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. He is currently working on a monograph that examines how different Asian countries respond to the rise of China and the corresponding Sino-US rivalry under the previous and current US administration.



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Feb 03 2021


10:00 am - 11:00 am

