The State Of Human Capital In Indonesia Post-Covid-19


About the Webinar

While low absolute levels of human capital have long represented a key structural bottleneck to achieving Indonesia’s inclusive growth and poverty reduction agenda, in the decade up to 2020 the country made significant progress by reducing stunting and expanding access to health and education. From 2010 to 2020, its performance in the World Bank’s Human Capital Index steadily improved, with the overall value increasing from 0.50 to 0.54.

COVID-19 put these gains at risk. The pandemic led to a sharp contraction in private consumption, and affected households’ ability to access services and invest in human capital. Therefore, as Indonesia has entered the endemic phase of COVID-19, proactive human capital policies are needed to ensure that previous achievements are sustained, and Indonesians can seize opportunities presented during the recovery period.

This webinar will give an overview of Indonesia’s performance in advancing the human capital agenda before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and comment on policy directions to mitigate the short-term impact of COVID-19 and address long-standing challenges.

About the Speaker

Achim D. Schmillen is the World Bank’s Practice Leader for Human Development for Indonesia and Timor-Leste, where he coordinates the Bank’s engagements on education, health, nutrition, social protection and jobs. Achim joined the World Bank in 2013 through the Young Professionals Program and from 2014 to 2020 was affiliated with the Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice. He has led numerous advisory, knowledge and operational projects across East, South-East and South Asia, including the World Bank’s first Human Capital Development Policy Loan in East Asia.

A frequent speaker at events organized by international organizations, governments, the private sector and academia, Achim has headed World Bank delegations to multiple G20 and APEC Senior Officials’ Meetings, and his commentary has been featured in leading media outlets across Asia. Achim has a PhD in economics, and before joining the World Bank he held appointments with the University of California Los Angeles, America’s National Bureau of Economic Research, and the research institute of Germany’s Federal Employment Agency, among others. He is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

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If you have questions for the speaker, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speaker during the Q&A session.


Oct 10 2023


2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

More Info


