ISEAS in the News: “Survey report suggests a vote for BN might not transfer into vote for Pakatan, especially in Selangor”

This article was published on 6 July 2023 by Malay Mail and referred to ISEAS Perspective 2023/50 “Why Perikatan Nasional May Win in Selangor”

To read the article, click here. Also in

  1. Malaysia Now, 7 August 2023 – Kaji selidik yang ajaib
  2. Malaysia Now, 27 July 2023 – PN can take Selangor if 90% of Malays turn out to vote, says Muhyiddin
  3. Malaysia Now, 25 July 2023 – PN gets boost from MIC, Indian leaders as battle for Selangor intensifies
  4. Oriental Daily, 25 July 2023 – 从民调看雪州州选(上)
  5. The Star, 13 July 2023 – Warming ties between Barisan and Pakatan an advantage in Selangor
  6. The Sun Daily, 12 July 2023 – BN-PH pact will work well in Selangor: Expert
  7. Focus Malaysia, 10 July 2023 – Blatant biasness in ISEAS’ “PN to win Selangor” survey as co-author was Muhyiddin’s close confidante?
  8. Malaysiakini, 10 July 2023 – Survey on S’gor polls raises more questions than answers
  9. Free Malaysia Today, 8 July 2023 – There’s something about Umno that puts voters off
  10. Malaysia Now, 7 July 2023 – Anwar again defends DAP in front of civil servant crowd
  11. China Press, 6 July 2023 – 民调:希盟没从中获益 巫统支持者或转投国盟