ISEAS in the News: “UMNO and Malaysia’s Next General Election: Leaders, Agendas, Grassroots”

Dato’s Seri Nazri Aziz delivered a seminar titled “UMNO and Malaysia’s Next General Election: Leaders, Agendas, Grassroots” at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute on 14 July 2022.

  1. The Malaysia Insight, 15 July 2022 – “不延长备忘录实为朋友之举” 沙里尔强调非对付敌对者手段
  2. Lianhe Zaobao, 15 July 2022 – 纳兹里:巫统党选若大选前举行扎希会输给首相
  3. Malaysia Today, 14 July 2022 – Ismail will be made Umno president if party polls are held now, says Nazri Aziz
  4. Guang Ming Daily, 14 July 2022 – 納茲里:若年杪黨選 依斯邁將當選主席
  5. China Press, 14 July 2022 – 纳兹里:-巫统-若年尾党选-依斯迈会是主席
  6. MalaysiaNow, 14 July 2022 – Court cluster broke promise to step aside until cases resolved, says Nazri Aziz
  7. MalaysiaNow, 14 July 2022 – Ismail will be made Umno president if party polls are held now, says Nazri Aziz