ISEAS in the News: Workshop on “The Russia-Ukraine War and Southeast Asia One Year on: Implications and Outlook” – Closing Keynote Address by Mr K Shanmugam

Mr K Shanmugam, Minister For Home Affairs and Minister For Law, Singapore, delivered the Closing Keynote Speech “The Contending Histories Behind the Russia-Ukraine War And their Implications for International Law, Security and Small Countries” for our 2-days closed-door workshop titled “The Russia-Ukraine War and Southeast Asia One Year On: Implications and Outlook” on 8 March 2023.

Media Coverage:

  1. Lianhe Zaobao, 9 May 2023 – 指入侵举动违反国际法 维文重申我国对俄乌战争立场没改变
  2. Mothership, 8 May 2023 – Diversity of views does not alter S’pore national position on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Vivian Balakrishnan
  3. CNA, 8 May 2023 – K Shanmugam on ‘indivisible security’ in relation to Russia-Ukraine war
  4. CNA, 8 April 2023 – Preparations for Singapore’s leadership transition going ‘as well as they can’: Shanmugam – CNA
  5. Lianhe Zaobao, 15 March 2023 – 吴俊刚:揭开大国政治的虚伪面纱
  6. The Straits Times, 11 March 2023 – Big powers choose convenient principles, small countries pay the price: Shanmugam
  7. Mothership, 9 March 2023 – Small countries often pay the price in conflicts among great powers: Shanmugam
  8. Todayonline, 9 March 2023 – Amid Russia-Ukraine war, small countries like Singapore must keep a sober mind and look beyond headlines: Shanmugam
  9. Petir, 9 March 2023 – We must always act in S’pore’s own interest, respect international law: K Shanmugam
  10. The Straits Times, 8 March 2023 – Amid great power rivalry, S’pore must look past ‘bluster’, preserve ability to act in own interest: Shanmugam
  11. South China Morning Post, 8 March 2023 – Russian aggression in Ukraine inexcusable but West ‘not uninvolved bystanders’: Singapore minister K. Shanmugam
  12. CNA, 8 March 2023 – Amid Russia-Ukraine war, small countries like Singapore must keep a sober mind and look beyond headlines: Shanmugam
  13. Lianhe Zaobao, 8 March 2023 – 建立促进合作而非竞争区域框架 符合小国利益
  14. Lianhe Zaobao, 8 March 2023 – 小国须推动合作而非竞争 也须有保护自己的军事能力
  15. CNA, 8 March 2023 – Small nations like Singapore must have “military means, social resilience to defend themselves”
  16. CNA, 8 March 2023 – Amid Russia-Ukraine war, small countries like Singapore must keep a sober mind and look beyond headlines: Shanmugam | Video
  17. DW, 8 March 2023 – 新加坡部长:俄侵乌不可开脱 西方大国并非“毫不相关的旁观者”
  18. Yahoo News Taiwan, 8 March 2023 – 新加坡部長:俄侵烏不可開脫 西方大國並非「毫不相關的旁觀者