Webinar on “Rethinking the Export-Led Growth Strategy in ASEAN Developing Economies”


In this webinar, Dr Phi Minh Hong and Dr Elodie Mania discussed the importance of export diversification as part of the export-led growth strategy in ASEAN developing economies, and the role of export diversification and sophistication in stimulating economic growth.


Roundtable Discussion on “ASEAN’s Mission in Myanmar: What Next?”


The ASEAN Studies Centre organized this online roundtable to discuss how ASEAN can operationalise the ‘‘Five-Point Consensus’’ from the 24 April 2021 ASEAN Leaders Meeting in response to the political and humanitarian crisis in Myanmar.


Webinar on “Investment Facilitation: Advancing Investments in ASEAN”


In this webinar, Mr Marc Proksch and Mr Tan Tai Hiong discussed the importance and development of investment facilitation at the multilateral and regional levels and how enhancements in investment facilitation and investment promotion activities can attract new investments, improve investment retention and promote re-investments from investors interested in ASEAN.


E-Launch and Discussion of “the State of Southeast Asia: 2021” Survey Report


The third edition of The State of Southeast Asia: 2021 Survey Report was officially launched on 10 February 2021 followed by a panel discussion on the key findings of the survey and implications for the region.


Webinar on “Trade Implication of RCEP for ASEAN and India”


In this webinar, Ms Sulaimah Mahmood and Dr Pralok Gupta discussed the implications of the recently concluded Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) for ASEAN as well as Indian perspectives on the trade deal.


The 22nd ASEAN Lecture on “Brunei Darussalam’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2021: We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper”


The 22nd ASEAN Lecture was delivered by The Honourable Dato Erywan Pehin Yusof, Minister of Foreign Affairs II, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Negara Brunei Darussalam.


Webinars on 35th ASEAN Roundtable


The annual ASEAN Roundtable provides a forum for leading scholars and commentators to examine key issues and challenges affecting ASEAN as a region and as a regional organisation.


Book E-Launch for ‘‘ASEAN-EU Partnership: The Untold Story’’


The ASEAN Studies Centre hosted the official launch of ASEAN-EU Partnership: The Untold Story, edited by Professor Tommy Koh and Dr Yeo Lay Hwee, followed by an engaging panel discussion on “The Future of ASEAN-EU Relations”.


Webinar on “Between State Responsibility and ASEAN Principles: A Perspective from Malaysia on Resolving Transboundary Haze Pollution”


In this webinar, Dr Hanim Kamaruddin from Faculty of Law in UKM examines the issue of the transboundary haze pollution in Southeast Asia through the lenses of international law and offers a Malaysian perspective to the problem.


Webinar on “ASEAN Cities’ Leadership in Climate Activism and Urbanisation Challenges”


In this webinar, Mr Amit Prothi and Ms Milag San Jose-Ballesteros highlighted climate change issues in an urban context and the importance of local government in implementing the transition to sustainable and equitable cities.