Act East or Acting? India and ASEAN


China is taking action to deepen economic engagement with Southeast Asia. India, despite Prime Minister Modi’s Act East rhetoric, is not.


A Review of the ASEAN Charter: In the Fullness of Time


A long-running review of the ASEAN Charter may yet bear fruit – or it may not.


Digital Payments Can Accelerate Master Plan for ASEAN Connectivity


Digital payment systems have proliferated across Southeast Asia, thanks to various platforms provided by banks, ride-hailing apps and fintech firms. For such payments to truly take off, the region needs to work on facilitating cross-border transactions.


Non-tariff Barriers to Agri-trade in ASEAN: Taking Down Walls


Securing market access for agri-food trade in ASEAN has become a challenge. Non-tariff measures (NTMs) have emerged as one of the key obstacles to trade. Given trade costs associated with such measures, ASEAN should focus on harmonising rules and standards surrounding aimed at protecting humans and animals, in order to reduce non-tariff barriers to trade.


Global Value Chains in ASEAN: With Pandemic Comes Opportunity


The ensuing Sino-US trade war and the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the moving of global value chains out of China into other regional states such as Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. ASEAN countries should not squander the historic opportunity to grab a bigger market share in such chains.


The Race for Global Value Chains: Return to RCEP, India?


Both India and ASEAN are vying for places in shifting global value chains (GVC) affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. India is behind the grouping in GVC participation. One way for New Delhi to play catch-up is to rethink its withdrawal from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.


Finding ASEAN’s Voice Amid the Din of Geopolitics


The re-emergence of the “neutrality” term in a recent ASEAN statement shows the underlying tensions between a fallback position based on neutrality and autonomy, as opposed to a more forward “principled neutrality” position based on international law.


Southeast Asia as a Sino-US Battleground: China’s Measured Response Amid American Attacks


China appears to have made a momentary adjustment in its response to American criticisms of its actions in the South China Sea. It has adopted a calibrated and reciprocal response, but it has not over-reacted. Beijing could be wary of overplaying its hand and hence strengthening the positions of China hawks in the United States.


ASEAN Single Window: Time to Enlarge the Aperture


The development of ASEAN Single Window in the past 15 years has demonstrated the importance of digitalizing trade procedures to reduce trade costs and boost competitiveness in ASEAN. The enlargement of the ASEAN Single Window to include the grouping’s dialogue partners will reduce trade costs further.


Smaller Countries in the Asia-Pacific: Mired in the Middling Middle


Rising Sino-US rivalry and a rapidly changing geopolitical environment means that smaller states in the Asia-Pacific are increasingly compelled to “choose sides” between the two major powers. They are, however, not short of options.