Call for Papers: Transitioning to Climate Resilient and Decarbonised Agrifood Systems in Southeast Asia – Workshop and Compendium


Southeast Asia (SEA) is among the regions hardest hit by climate change. The region is projected to face increasingly frequent and destructive storms, floods, heatwaves, floods, droughts, and other unpredictable weather events, which will impact food production. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimated that the region’s GDP could decline by 11 percent by the end of the century due to a decline in agriculture, fishing, and tourism. This would affect one in three people living in SEA who are employed in the agriculture sector (or approximately 190 million people). The volatility in food supply would also lead to higher food prices, greater food insecurity and potentially, create social instability.

Aside from being affected by climate change, food production also contributes to carbon emissions. One-third of global greenhouse gas emissions are from food and agriculture. With the exception of Brunei and Singapore, agriculture is among the top GHG sectors which requires climate mitigation action. Rice production is among the highest contributors to methane emissions globally. SEA produces 30 percent of the global supply of methane.

Decarbonising agriculture and the food system is thus crucial for a sustainable food future. Challenges faced impeding this transition include a lack of finance, slow uptake of technologies, inconsistent and obstructive regulatory frameworks, unbalanced allocation of funding, poor governance, and lack of prioritisation.

Against this backdrop, we would like to invite policymakers, practitioners, and scholars to contribute to a multi-disciplinary social, political, environmental and/or economic analysis of options for transitioning to climate-resilient and decarbonised agrifood systems in SEA.

We are specifically interested in the analysis of transition pathways to:

  1. Decarbonisation of agri-food systems in SEA; including agriculture and land-use policies, transport and distribution, trade, energy usage and supply chain efficiency.
  2. Agroforestry and nature-based solutions relevant to SEA;
  3. Circular solutions to decarbonise food systems in SEA;
  4. Frameworks for small- and medium-holder farmers to participate in carbon markets in SEA;
  5. Technology adoption and green financing options to decarbonise agriculture and food systems in SEA; and
  6. Regional cooperation on food and agriculture security (ASEAN, export-import outlook, investments, etc).

Potential contributors are invited to submit an abstract of 300-500 words and a short bio-data (100 words) by 12 June 2023.

Following a selection process, shortlisted contributors will be invited to:

  1. Contribute a draft paper of not more than 6,000 words on the chosen topic for publication in the Compendium “Transitioning to climate-resilient and decarbonised agrifood systems in Southeast Asia” to ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute to be reviewed by a three-person scientific expert review panel by 3 September 2023.
  2. Review comments by expert panel and present the updated paper at an online/in-person workshop in October 2023 (date TBC).
  3. Submit finalised paper for editing process by 20 November 2023.

All submissions must be original and not previously published in any format. Completed articles will be accepted for publication if specified criteria and editorial requirements are met. Final publication is expected in the second quarter of 2024.

All submissions are to

If there are any queries, please contact:

Elyssa Ludher

Visiting Fellow, Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme

ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute

Qiu Jiahui

Research Officer, Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme

ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute


About us:

The Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme (CCSEAP) at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute was established in 2020 to examine the phenomenon of climate change, its impact, and policy responses across the region and in key Southeast Asian countries. The Programme hopes to cultivate a network of scholars at the forefront of regional climate change research. The Programme aims to build on ISEAS’ thought leadership to advance climate discourse and knowledge in Southeast Asia through a series of publications and seminars.

The Climate Change in Southeast Asia Workshop and Compendium Series is a platform to facilitate and promote research on climate-related issues in the Southeast Asian region. This platform aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and share best practices to deepen understanding of the complex and multidimensional nature of climate change.

To receive email updates for CCSEAP events and activities, please scan QR Code below or go to

Webinar on “Cities and Climate Challenges in Southeast Asia”


While most cities in Southeast Asia face the overlapping challenges of climate action and sustainable urban development, their unique and diverse circumstances call for greater study into climate impacts and solutions from a local perspective. “Cities and Climate Challenges in Southeast Asia”, a newly published compendium from the Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme at ISEAS, brings together case studies from a wide variety of disciplines to reflect this complexity while providing practical recommendations to regional policymakers. In this webinar, new research findings on the urban-climate change nexus were presented by some of the contributors to this comprehensive volume: Dr Alejandro N. Ciencia from the University of the Philippines Baguio; Ms Nila Kamil from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Wageningen University & Research; and Dr Michiyo Kakegawa from Soka University.


ISEAS Webinar on “Southeast Asia Climate Outlook 2022 Survey Report Launch”


The much-awaited Southeast Asia Climate Outlook 2022 Survey Report garnered nearly 1,400 respondents from across various cities, professions, and walks of life in Southeast Asia. The survey asked around 38 questions on the topics of climate change issues, policies, energy transition and food security, and international climate cooperation – ultimately in the hope of providing a perspective into the sentiments of ASEAN citizens on climate change. In this launch webinar, the survey results were shared by Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme (CCSEAP) Coordinator Ms. Sharon Seah, and a discussion was set in motion by experts Dr. Helena Varkkey from the University of Malaya, Dr. Indra Overland from the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and Ms. Johanna Son from Reporting ASEAN.


Seminar on “Carbon Markets: An ASEAN Outlook”


In this hybrid seminar, Dr. Raúl Rosales from the Imperial College Business School of London and Ms. Melissa Low from the National University of Singapore (NUS) offered their perspectives on ASEAN member states’ current progress and prospects on the carbon market landscape. This is the second instalment of a seminar series exploring carbon markets in the Southeast Asian region. A recording of the webinar can be viewed here.


ADB-ISEAS Joint Webinar on “Implementing a Green Recovery in Southeast Asia”


In this joint webinar by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, a set of distinguished speakers and panellists discuss prospects for regional green recovery efforts, including recommendations from the ADB’s recent report “Implementing a Green Recovery in Southeast Asia”, which examines the significant potential benefits of a green recovery as well as the key policy actions needed to drive it.


Webinar on “The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Food Security in Southeast Asia”


In this webinar, Professor Paul Teng from the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, Nanyang Technological University and Ms Genevieve Donnellon-May from the University of Oxford provide an overview of how the Russia-Ukraine conflict exacerbates existing food insecurity in the Southeast Asian region, and discuss how countries can respond.


Webinar on “Can Carbon Markets Work in Southeast Asia?”


In this webinar, Mr Daniel Nachtigall from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Mr Stefano De Clara from the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) provide a global and regional overview of the progress in the use of carbon pricing instruments and emissions trading systems (ETS) in the past two decades.   


Webinar on “Environmental Politics in Southeast Asia: Recent Trends and Likely Future Directions”


In this webinar, Dr Michael Schaper and Dr Serina Rahman from the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, and Dr Ruth Lusterio-Rico from the University of the Philippines Diliman discuss the state of environmental politics, its progress and challenges in Southeast Asia.


ISEAS Webinar on “Climate Change and SMEs in Southeast Asia: What Do We Know, and What Can We Do?”


In this webinar, Dr Michael Schaper from the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, Dr Ryal Wun from the Global Compact Network Singapore and Mr Sebastian Cortes-Sanchez from the Asian Trade Centre discuss the motivations and barriers to climate action in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across Southeast Asia.


ISEAS-SIEW Thinktank Roundtable on “Building Back Better in Post-Pandemic Southeast Asia”


In this Singapore International Energy Week Thinktank Roundtable hosted by the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, experts from diverse sectors share insights for integrating a just energy transition into Southeast Asia’s green recovery efforts. The session is available for on-demand viewing here.