Regional Outlook Forum 2017



The Regional Outlook Forum is ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute’s flagship event held at the beginning of each year. This annual one-day forum highlights short and medium-term trends and challenges that stakeholders in government, businesses and private sector need to be aware of.  Next year’s ROF will be held on Monday, 9 January 2017 at the Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore.

For this upcoming forum, there will be panels focusing on Political and Strategic Trends in the Asia Pacific; Southeast Asian Economic Outlook; Extremist Threat in Southeast Asia; and the outlook for Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia politics.

Questions that panellists will be addressing include: How will the Trump presidency and Brexit shape geo-economics in the Asia Pacific? Will there be more tension in Southeast Asia resulting from major powers contestation? What are the underlying challenges for Southeast Asian economies, particularly for Indonesia and Malaysia? Is an ISIS Caliphate possible in Southeast Asia? What are the challenges awaiting the new governments in Myanmar and Philippines? With Jokowi’s latest cabinet reshuffle in Indonesia, and the passing of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, what can we expect for both countries? What does Mahathir’s revival in Malaysian politics mean for UMNO and the opposition?

Thank you for your interest. Registration is now closed. Click here to visit the microsite.

Vietnam Forum 2016





The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) adopted the Doi Moi (Renovation) policy at its sixth National Congress in 1986, opening up a new chapter in the country’s modern history. Under Doi Moi, Vietnam has undergone significant socio-economic reforms that transformed the country from a backward centrally-planned, autarkic economy into a dynamic market-based and highly internationally integrated one, and one of the most successful stories in terms of poverty reduction in Asia’s contemporary history. The country’s political system has also adopted various reforms to facilitate economic development and good governance. At the same time, Vietnam’s foreign policy has also been renovated under Doi Moi as Hanoi abandoned the ideology-based foreign policy making to pursue the “diversification and multilateralisation” of its international relations. As such, Vietnam has transformed itself into a well respected international partner with increasing influence over regional affairs .

Against this backdrop, the Vietnam Forum 2016 on “Vietnam: Thirty years of Doi Moi and beyond” will provide a timely opportunity for Vietnam watchers to review and examine the various socio-economic, political and foreign policy transformations that Doi Moi has produced over the past 30 years as well as their national and regional implications. Held at a critical juncture of the country’s development, the Forum will also be an appropriate platform for scholars and policy makers to share their views on Vietnam’s contemporary challenges and its future trajectories.


Please download the Programme (as of 1 April 2016) here.


Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Please note

• Admission to the forum can only be taken as confirmed upon receiving the written acceptance from ISEAS.
• We regret that unconfirmed and late arrivals will not be admitted.

Myanmar Forum 2016



ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, in partnership with the University of Michigan’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, will convene the Myanmar Forum 2016 on 20 May 2016.

This one-day Forum will engage Myanmar country specialists, business and government practitioners with an international audience of public and private sector actors interested in Myanmar’s development, to discuss the road ahead for Myanmar in 2016 and beyond. The Forum’s value over other discussions on Myanmar lies in the informed assessment by those involved in various aspects of the country’s reforms, and their candid discussion of the challenges it faces.The Forum will be a public event, open to registration by members of government, academia, research, business and civil society.

Click here for more info on the Myanmar Forum 2016.


Regional Outlook Forum 2016


ROF 2016 Website, click here.
ROF 2016 Programme, click here.

Thailand Forum 2015: Society in Transition


View the Forum Programme

Registration has closed.

For enquiries, please call Betty at Tel: 6870-2472 or email