Webinar on “Governance Challenges and Opportunities for Indonesia’s New Capital Nusantara”


In this webinar, Dr Diani Sadiawati and Mr Yance Arizona shared their opinions on the various governmental and regulatory challenges in implementing Indonesia’s New Capital Nusantara.


Webinar on “Muktamar NU 2021: Nahdlatul Ulama towards Self-Reliance and World Peace”


In this webinar, Mr Yahya Cholil Staquf shared his plans for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) while our two discussants, Dr Azhar Ibrahim and Dr Philips Vermonte, shared their opinions on the potential challenges as well as future considerations for NU under its new leadership.


Webinar on “Has Indonesia Resumed Leadership Role in Southeast Asia under Jokowi?”


In this webinar, Dr Leo Suryadinata discussed Indonesia’s foreign policy trajectories and leadership, particularly under President Joko Widodo’s administration.


Webinar on “Indonesia’s Narrowing Path to Prosperity”


In this webinar, Professor Gustav Papanek presented several major challenges facing the Indonesian economy, especially to promote its manufacturing sector and exports competitiveness. He proposed several critical reforms, including rupiah devaluation, minimum wage stabilisation, infrastructure development, increased government revenue, and human resource improvement.


Webinar on “Indonesia’s Battle to Overcome Its Fiscal Challenges”


In this webinar, Dr Muhamad Chatib Basri provided insights into Indonesia’s efforts to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and how it could be further overcome through administrative tax reforms and expenditures restructuring. Mr Richard Borsuk, our discussant, also provided his viewpoints in regard to Indonesia’s economic recovery through taxation and other fiscal policies implemented.


Webinar on “Challenges for Indonesia’s Diplomacy in Israel-Palestine Conflict”


In this webinar, Dr Broto Wardoyo discussed the development of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, public perception of this issue, and overall, Indonesia’s foreign policy under President Joko Widodo. Dr Evan Laksmana raised questions on the strategic interests of Indonesia in the Palestinian conflict and the country’s position in fight against oppression and colonialism.


Webinar on “Youth Participation and A New Generation Political Party in Indonesian Politics”


In this webinar, the invited speakers shared their opinions on current youth’s participation in politics and discussed how new generation political parties could capture the attention of young new voters in the upcoming 2024 General Elections.


Webinar on “Indonesia’s Energy Transition and Climate Governance Reform”


In this webinar, Dr Masyita Cristallin discussed Indonesia’s climate governance reform in the financial sector and the prospect of achieving a net-zero emission target by 2060. Meanwhile, Dr Abidah Setyowati highlighted the need to broaden stakeholder participation in the regulatory and institutional reform for the energy transition in Indonesia.


Webinar on “Introduction to National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the future of research and development in the country”


In this webinar, Dr Laksana Tri Handoko, Chairman of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) provided insights on BRIN’s establishment and elaborated on the possible directions in which the agency would focus on as it builds up a conducive environment for research and technological development in Indonesia.


Webinar on “Digital Disruptions: How Digital Technology is Changing Social and Cultural Life in Indonesia”


This Webinar Conference explores the impacts of digital technology and how it has transformed the social as well as cultural aspects in Indonesia.