Webinar on “The Outlook for Malaysia’s 15th General Election”


In this webinar, two panels of experts and researchers dissected the different aspects of the Malaysian GE15 and their implications.


Webinar on “Malaysia’s 15th General Election – Results and Analysis”


In this webinar, the presenters shared their research findings on the recent Malaysia’s recent 15th General Election. Dr Cassey Lee, Senior Fellow at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, moderated the webinar.


Webinar on “Malaysia’s Opposition Ahead of GE-15: Strategies, Tactics, and Challenges”


YB Teo Nie Ching, MP for Kulai and Democratic Action Party (DAP) National Publicity Secretary and Mr Zaidel Baharuddin, Vice President of Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) discussed the opposition parties’ strategies and approaches for Malaysia’s GE15 campaigning.


Webinar on “Kelantan under PAS Administration”


In this webinar, Dr Azmil Tayeb delivered a talk on the state of Kelantan and its close relationship with Parti Islam Se Malaysia (PAS).


Webinar on “Young Voters and Malaysia’s Future: New Hope or False Dawn?”


In this webinar, Dato’ Sri Ti Lian Ker and Mr Jason Wee talked about the perspective of Malaysia’s current administration’s youth engagement and the findings of the nationwide Youth Aspiration Manifesto Survey.


Seminar on “Understanding The Impact Of The Youth Vote”


In this seminar, Mr James Chai looked into Malaysia’s most recent bill, Undi 18, that lowered the voting and candidacy age from 21 to 18 and allowed for automatic voter registration.


Webinar on “Sabah’s Approach to Palm Oil: Sustainability, Controversy & Business Opportunity”


In this webinar, Datuk Frederick Kugan, Dr Glyn Davies, and Mr Joshua Lim showcased Sabah’s efforts to ensure the environmental sustainability of its palm oil production, as well as the importance the product has for its state economy.


Seminar on “UMNO and Malaysia’s Next General Election: Leaders, Agendas, Grassroots”


In this seminar, Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz discussed UMNO, the balance of power between Zahid and Ismail, and how will Ismail negotiate his way forward.


Webinar on “Political Coalitions and Malaysia’s Next General Election: Compete or cooperate? (It’s complicated)”


In this webinar, Dr Ong Kian Ming, Member of Parliament for Bangi, Selangor, delved into the complex political dynamics between and within coalitions in the run-up to Malaysia’s 15th General Election.


Seminar on “Education Reform in Malaysia: Unfinished Business amidst Political Flux”


In this hybrid seminar, Dr Maszlee Malik spoke on Malaysia’s recent experience with education reforms, the impact of COVID-19 on the education system and the Perikatan Nasional administration’s response, and key inflection points in the country’s political trajectory going forward.