Webinar on “Myanmar’s Relations with Russia and China: Convenience or Co-optation”


In this webinar, two long-time experts discussed Russia and China’s interactions with Myanmar since the military coup in February 2021, and also shared their thoughts on bilateral relations in the present scenario.


Delhi, Bangkok, and Naypyidaw: Choices, Concerns, and Options



About the Webinar

When the Myanmar military seized state power in 2021, Delhi and Bangkok were among Myanmar’s neighbours continuing engagement with the State Administration Council (SAC) military regime in Naypyidaw for pragmatic reasons. Thailand initiated, and India continued, Track 1.5 “neighbour diplomacy” discussions with the SAC. Delhi and Bangkok have opted to continue economic interactions with Naypyidaw, amid escalating conflict along the respective borders. The shift in conflict dynamics in Myanmar has also affected how Delhi and Bangkok view and address refugee/migrant flows, and the increasing visibility and spread of transnational crime activities along the border.

The ISEAS Myanmar Studies Programme invites two analysts to discuss the choices, concerns and options for Delhi and Bangkok in their continuing interactions with Naypyidaw as the 2021 coup aftermath enters a fourth year.

About the Speakers

Angshuman Choudhury is currently Associate Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. He previously coordinated the South East Asia Research Programme at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi. Angshuman follows developments in Myanmar and Northeast India, focusing on, among others, ethnic armed conflicts, peace processes, Rohingya crisis, and foreign policy. He is also the co-founder of Myanmar India Collective, a collaborative knowledge network of scholars from India and Myanmar.

Bhanubhatra Jittiang is the Vice Dean for Academic and International Affairs, and Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He is also the Founding Director of the Nelson Mandela Center for Conflict Resolution, Atrocity Prevention, and Human Security, and has researched the human security challenges of Myanmar refugees in Thailand.

Moe Thuzar (discussant) is a senior fellow at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, where she coordinates the Myanmar Studies Programme. Moe was a lead researcher in the ASEAN Studies Centre at ISEAS from 2008 to 2019, and spent nine years at the ASEAN Secretariat prior to joining ISEAS. She has co-authored, co-edited, and contributed to several compendia and edited volumes on ASEAN, and Myanmar.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

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If you have questions for the speaker, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speakers during the Q&A session.

Webinar on “Myanmar in 2024: Expectations and Realities”


In this webinar, two long-time experts on Myanmar shared their thoughts on the current situation and possible trajectories of the country’s ongoing crisis, now entering the fourth year of military rule after the 2021 coup.


Webinar on “A Near-Term Economic Outlook for Myanmar in 2024”


In this webinar, Dr. Jared Bissinger discussed the ongoing challenges of Myanmar’s economy close to three years after the 2021 coup, and the overall economic trajectory for Myanmar for the near future, including the implications of the offensive Operation 1027 launched in northern Shan State in late October 2023, which has affected the main China-Myanmar border trade corridor and key border trade posts.  


Webinar on “Operation 1027 and Its Broader Implications for Myanmar”


In this webinar, three experts discussed the unfolding effects of Operation 1027, a major offensive launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BHA), which comprises the Myanmar National Democratic Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA), and constituting one of the most significant challenges confronting the State Administration Council (SAC) regime in Myanmar since the 2021 coup.


Webinar on “Thailand-Myanmar Relations in Regional Perspective: Issues and Challenges”


The webinar discussed the political dynamics of Thailand’s new government, which had assumed office in early September 2023, with a view to analyze Thailand’s future policy and approach to the ongoing Myanmar crisis. The Myanmar issue affects Thailand’s foreign policy including its role and position in ASEAN.


Webinar on “Education Disrupted? Legacies and Prospective Transformations in Myanmar’s Education Landscape”


The 2021 coup in Myanmar disrupted both trajectory and choices for K-12 and higher education in Myanmar.  Pro-democracy stakeholders have been working on alternative education options in the post-coup environment, while structural inequalities continue to exist in Myanmar. Three speakers shared their research, policy, and practitioner insights, discussing past, present, and future challenges, and the importance of an inclusive education system that can meet the needs of the youth in a conflict-prone society.


Webinar on “Myanmar’s Humanitarian Challenges in 2023”


Myanmar continues to face daunting humanitarian challenges in 2023. The military coup in 2021 compounded humanitarian needs which arose prior to and during the pandemic. Cyclone Mocha in May 2023 added to mounting humanitarian needs. In this webinar, four speakers with policy and/or research experience shared their assessments of Myanmar’s humanitarian challenges and responses in 2023.


Webinar on “What Does Responsible Investment Mean in Myanmar?”


In this webinar, Ms Vicky Bowman, the Director of the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), shared her insights on the challenges and dilemmas faced by businesses operating in and sourcing from Myanmar after the 2021 coup.


Webinar on “The State of Myanmar’s Economy”


In this webinar, Professor Turnell discussed the challenges Myanmar’s economy faces, the overall economic trajectory for the foreseeable future, lessons learnt during the NLD administration, and the broader impact of the military coup on the Myanmar people.