Webinar on “Two Years and Counting: What’s Next for Myanmar in 2023?”


In this webinar, five experts offer their thoughts on the broader impacts of the ongoing crisis, and the consequences of the continuing conflict to watch out for in 2023 including domestic sentiments and regional and international interests.


Webinar on “Myanmar Twenty-Two Months After The Coup”


In this webinar, four experts offered their thoughts on the challenges of Myanmar’s multidimensional crisis, and prevailing sentiments towards those challenges. One of the four experts, serving as discussant, also contributed her assessment of the rapidly changing political landscape within Myanmar, access to humanitarian aid and responses from the regional partners to the Myanmar crisis.


Webinar on “The United States and the Myanmar Crisis: Perceptions, Expectations, Options”


In this webinar, Ms Erin Murphy, Ambassador Scot Marciel and Dr Kyaw Moe Tun discussed US policy past and present on Myanmar, commenting on policy stances adopted towards different political stakeholders in the country. The discussions also shared their views and perspectives on the factors impinging on an effective US policy, available options to assist the Myanmar people, and expectations of the Myanmar stakeholders and communities.


Webinar on “The Realities of Humanitarian Assistance for Myanmar”


The webinar discussed the post-coup realities of humanitarian assistance in Myanmar from in-country realities, and bilateral and regional viewpoints. The webinar also addressed basic social service needs multiplying country-wide related to the coup and further exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Webinar on “The International Community’s Response to the Myanmar Crisis: What Comes Next?”


In this virtual event held under Chatham House Rule, Ambassador Derek Mitchell discussed the international community’s response to the 2021 military coup In Myanmar, including possible options for and potential constraints to further moves by the international community on the Myanmar crisis. He also shared his thoughts on the actions and objectives of various Myanmar stakeholders to date, and possible next steps.


In Conversation with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer


Since assuming her current duties, Dr Noeleen Heyzer has engaged stakeholders in Myanmar to understand the challenges and aspirations for a home-grown solution to the country’s crisis and for a just, inclusive and peaceful future. Though the UN General Assembly initially established the Special Envoy’s mandate to address the Rohingya crisis, the challenges facing the Myanmar people have grown in both scope and urgency. Dr Heyzer is now working to facilitate greater political support, internationally and regionally, to address the multiple needs and vulnerabilities in Myanmar that have worsened since the coup in 2021.


Webinar on “What Does Federal Democracy Mean for Myanmar?”


The webinar explored what the federal democracy vision might mean for different communities in a post-SAC Myanmar. Discussions also touched upon the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC)’s work and the complex challenges confronting multi-ethnic Myanmar.


Webinar on “Human Rights in Myanmar Before and After the 2021 Coup”


The webinar explored the post-coup context of Myanmar which has left many communities in dire need of basic social services and humanitarian assistance. The webinar also addressed contemporary human rights issues in Myanmar highlighting patterns or trends by comparing present and past patterns of abuse.


Seminar on “Whither Myanmar’s Rakhine State”


The seminar will address the implications of unfolding realities in Rakhine State, with attention to Myanmar’s national politics and international interest in the state and to local communities’ efforts to cope with the combined impacts of renewed military rule, Covid-19, and the humanitarian challenges of protracted warfare.


Webinar on “Protest and Digital Repression: Repercussions and Pushback in Myanmar and Thailand”


In this webinar, Dr Janjiira Sombatpoonsiri and Ms Thinzar Shunlei Yi addressed the issue of digital repression in Myanmar and Thailand. They touch on the intertwining of digital and traditional approaches to repression, and its impact on protest movements.