Webinar on “Socio-Economic Impacts of the 2021 Coup in Myanmar”


It has been fourteen months since the 2021 Coup in Myanmar. In this webinar, Ms Vicky Bowman, Mr Win Myo Thu and Mr Aung Tun shared their assessments of the impacts of the 2021 coup on Myanmar’s economy, ecosystem, and the livelihood of Myanmar people.


Seminar on “Legal Implications of the Myanmar Coup One Year On”


In ISEAS’ first hybrid in-person/webinar event of 2022, Prof Andrew Harding and Ms Khine Khine Zin discussed the legal implications of the Myanmar coup, with an eye on what the rule of law means in Myanmar, for people, businesses, and for external engagements.


Webinar on “One Year After the Coup: Whither Myanmar?”


The webinar examined the updated situation of Myanmar and its people one year after the Myanmar ’s violent power grab as well as the State Administration Council (SAC)’s relentless crackdown on various communities across Myanmar.


Webinar on “Myanmar Ten Months After The Coup”


The webinar revisited the nine possible future scenarios for Myanmar that Professor Ardeth Maung Thawnhmung first sketched out in March 2021, with a focus on changes in potential paths for Myanmar that had arisen between March and December 2021.


Webinar on “Thailand and the Myanmar Crisis”


In this webinar, Ambassador Sihasak Phuangketkeow looked at Thailand’s role, posture, and interests resulting from the Myanmar military’s seizure of power on 1 February 2021.


Webinar on “Myanmar After the Coup, In the World”


In this webinar, Ms Priscilla Clapp and Dr Morten B Pedersen shared their perspectives on how different external interlocutors are navigating their interactions with Myanmar, and the bilateral and multilateral implications of Myanmar’s engagement with major powers and regional actors, whether by the SAC or the NUG.


Webinar on “The Myanmar Economy Six Months after the Coup: What’s Next?”


In this webinar, Mr Khine Win and Mr Thompson Chau shared their insights and assessments of the devastating effects of the coup in Myanmar and most recent Covid-19 wave, how different economic actors and interlocutors are navigating the ground, and the relevance of alternative visions for responsible investment proposed by the National Unity Government.


Webinar on “Post-Coup Myanmar’s Economy: Crisis and Challenge”


In this webinar, Mr Thurein Lwin and Mr Matthew Arnold discussed the micro-realities of Myanmar’s post-coup economic challenges, and implications for governance, the bureaucracy and future investment and development prospects.


Webinar on “A Near-Term Economic Outlook for Post-Coup Myanmar”


In this webinar, Ms Vicky Bowman and Ms Pwint Htun discussed the near-term prospects for the economy and people’s lives in Myanmar.


Webinar on “Myanmar After the Coup: Insights from Inside”


In this webinar, Mr Nyantha Maw Lin and Mr Maw Htun Aung shared their views from inside Myanmar on the situation at ground level, in both urban and ethnic areas, and offer insight into people’s prevailing sentiments and reactions to the current crisis.