Webinar on “Building a Defense Industry in the Philippines: Challenges and Opportunities”


In this webinar, Professor Herman Joseph S. Kraft, Mr. Jesse Pascasio and Mr. Meneleo Carlos III discuss and examine the possible contributions of the private sector and commercial firms in improving Philippine national defense.


Building a Defense Industry in the Philippines: Challenges and Opportunities



About the Webinar

Since the end of the Cold War, the Philippine military has undertaken multiple cycles of defense modernization that sought to create a modern armed forces capable of a credible defense posture in the 21st century. Reforms were sought not only to infuse a higher degree of professionalism and civilian control as well as the enormous challenge of capacity-building, equipment procurement, and more high-quality training. In recent years, there is increasing attention to tap the private sector and make it an active role-player in the country’s defense build-up. Under the Marcos Jr administration, the Armed Forces of the Modernization (AFP) plans to realize the Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept (CADC) using a whole of nation approach that includes the private sector.

This webinar examines the possible contributions of the private sector and commercial firms in improving Philippine national defense. What are the important factors that could influence the development of a defense industry in the Philippines? What the challenges faced by the private sector in participating in the developing a defense industry? How can the Philippine government and external factors help develop partnerships toward the defense industry?

About the Speakers

Prof Herman Joseph S. Kraft is a Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of the Philippines at Diliman, Quezon City. He is concurrently a Convenor of the Strategic Studies Program of the Center for Integrative and Development Studies at the University of the Philippines. His research expertise is on international security, ASEAN regionalism, and strategic studies.

Mr Jesse Pascasio is a defense analyst in the Philippines who has served in various offices in the Office of the President, Department of National Defense, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and the Philippine Navy. His focus areas are on strategic policy analysis, defense economics, marine policy, and maritime security. He was also a member of various legislative technical working groups on strategic marine and defense issues.

Mr Meneleo Carlos III is Chairman of the Shipyard Association of the Philippines. Since 2016, he is also President of the Philippine Iron Construction and Marine Works, Inc. He received his education from Ateneo de Manila University & Cornell University.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

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