ASEAN Roundtable 2017: ASEAN at 50: Charting the Future Together


In celebration of ASEAN’s 50th anniversary this year, the ASEAN Studies Centre is dedicating the 32nd ASEAN Roundtable to the review of ASEAN’s achievements and lessons over the past five decades, and an assessment of what the future of regional cooperation will be in the years ahead.  With the forward-looking theme of “ASEAN at 50: Charting Our Future Together”, the one-day Roundtable will be convened in Singapore on 2 October 2017.

This year’s Roundtable is also a by-invitation event.

Participants are expected to attend the Roundtable’s proceedings in its entirety.

Registration has closed. 

Click here for the programme details.

Roundtable: Myanmar’s Media Landscape: Changes and Challenges


In the more open reporting environment in today’s Myanmar, the media – in all its print, broadcast and online platforms – hosts discussion and debate on a wide range of issues that influence Myanmar’s transformation. The various media reports and analyses have also fuelled discussions and debate, playing an important role in covering public opinion on social and environmental issues and concerns, and influencing some policy outcomes.  The roundtable discussion on 23 March 2017 will discuss the contours of this changing media landscape in Myanmar, and the challenges going forward. Representatives of the print/online and broadcast media in Myanmar, as well as officers of the Ministry of Information, will share their insights and perspectives at this roundtable.  Topics to be discussed include:

  • Existing legal framework and future prospects
  • Media reforms and the private media
  • Media as civil society
  • Implementation issues
  • Reporting developments in Myanmar
  • Dynamics of broadcast media

Programme: The Symposium’s programme can be found here.

Attendance at this event is free of charge but registration is required by 21 March 2017.

Registration: To register, please complete this form and return it by fax:  6775-6264 or email it to by 21 March 2017.

As seats are limited, please register early.  Admission to the Roundtable can only be taken as confirmed upon receiving the written acceptance from ISEAS.

For any queries, please feel free to e-mail

Best wishes

Moe Thuzar and Michael Montesano

Roundtable Convenors

27 February 2017

ASEAN Roundtable 2016 : The ASEAN Economic Community – Towards 2025




About the Roundtable

After inaugurating the ASEAN Community on 31 December 2015, the ten Southeast Asian nations are working towards the next phase of deeper regional economic cooperation to create a business friendly environment and to bring development and prosperity to the people. The elimination of tariffs for intra-regional trade is one among the many successes of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). However, work remains to be done for liberalising the services sector, simplifying customs procedures, addressing the non-tariff barriers and bringing more of the region’s small-and-medium scale enterprises (SMEs) into the fold of the AEC.  As ASEAN begins its work to implement the new ASEAN 2025 blueprint, its member countries, either collectively or individually, are participating in wider regional and inter-regional initiatives. These are the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), One Belt One Road (OBOR) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  These initiatives, while offering new opportunities, currently face several challenges. In addition, the surprise incident of Brexit is lending an air of uncertainty across regionalism projects. All these have implications for ASEAN.

The 31st ASEAN Roundtable on ‘The ASEAN Economic Community – Towards 2025,’ which features eminent policy-makers, economists and private sector speakers will (a) review the state of key ASEAN economic cooperation measures and (b) provide an update on latest developments on RCEP, as well as discussion on TPP and OBOR.


Key Speakers include:     

HE LE Luong Minh

Secretary-General, Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Tan Sri Dr Rebecca Fatima STA MARIA

Former Secretary-General, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia

Mr Arin JIRA

Chairman, ASEAN Business Advisory Council, Thailand

Professor Shujiro URATA

Waseda University, Japan

Professor Edward K Y CHEN

Chairman of the Board, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong

Dr Fraser Keir THOMPSON

Director, AlphaBeta, Singapore


The ASEAN Roundtable 2016 Programme is attached here for your information.

To register, please complete this form and email it to by 26 August 2016.