Webinar on “Migration from Post-Đổi mới Vietnam: Transnational Brokers, Digital Technologies and New Mobility Pathways”


Wednesday, 26 June 2024 — In this webinar, Prof. Lan Anh Hoang discussed how transnational migration is imagined, mediated, and experienced by Vietnamese individuals in the Digital Age. She also highlighted the transformational impact of the digital boom on Vietnamese migrants’ aspirations, practices, and mobility pathways.


Migration from Post-Đổi mới Vietnam: Transnational Brokers, Digital Technologies and New Mobility Pathways



About the Webinar

As border regimes are increasingly hardened in Europe and North America, intra-regional migration has become a key feature in Asia, Africa and South America. However, existing migration theories are primarily based on empirical research on South-North migration, resulting in a significant knowledge gap about the implications of new migration pathways and regimes for individuals, economies and societies. Drawing from her empirical research conducted over the past 20 years in Vietnam, Taiwan, Russia and Australia, Lan Anh Hoang will discuss how transnational migration is imagined, mediated, and experienced by Vietnamese individuals in the Digital Age. By focusing on migrant networks and the migration industry at the intersection of social-digital spheres, the webinar will highlight the transformational impact of the digital boom on Vietnamese migrants’ aspirations and practices. It will also bring attention to the digital divides that create uneven mobility pathways, reproducing and exacerbating social inequalities among people on the move.

About the Speaker

Lan Anh Hoang is Professor in Development Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Melbourne, Australia. She is author of ‘Vietnamese Migrants in Russia: Mobility in Times of Uncertainty’ (Amsterdam University Press 2020), winner of The Association of Mainland Southeast Asia Scholars Book Prize in 2022, and co-editor of ‘Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances, and the Changing Family in Asia’ (2015) and ‘Money and Moralities in Contemporary Asia’ (2019). Lan’s research on migration and gender has also been published in many journals including Gender and Society, Gender, Place and Culture, Global Networks, Population, Space and Place, Geoforum, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Mobilities, Asian Studies Review, and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Lan’s current project examines brokerage and migrant networks in the Vietnam-Australia migration corridor, and she will start a new study on the moral economy of Vietnamese undocumented migrants in Japan in late 2024.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. To join us, please register here to receive your unique link for joining the webinar.

Please note that each registration is good for only one login at any one time during the event.

The Funan Techo Canal: Redefining Connectivity, Reshaping Politics



About the Webinar

Cambodia’s proposed Funan Techo Canal, spanning 180 kilometers from Phnom Penh Autonomous Port to Kep Province and the Gulf of Thailand, is a flagship project of the new Hun Manet government. Slated for completion by 2028, this project promises economic benefits and strategic autonomy for Cambodia by reducing its reliance on Vietnamese ports for international shipping. Reportedly funded and built by the China Bridge and Road Corporation, the canal also complicates the dynamics of Vietnam-Cambodia-China relations.

This webinar explores the multifaceted aspects of this ambitious project, including Cambodia’s strategic, economic, and political motivations, and the Vietnamese concerns, especially regarding its potential environmental impacts on the Mekong Delta. The webinar also discusses how the countries concerned can collaborate to ensure the project adheres to the 1995 Mekong Agreement, promoting transparency and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the riparian states.

About the Speakers

Vannarith Chheang is a public policy analyst and social innovator. He has over 15 years of hands-on experience across the academic, public, and private sectors. Currently he serves as Chairman of Advisory Council of the President of Cambodia’s National Assembly, and Chairman of Angkor Social Innovation Park. Prior to these appointments, he was President at the Asian Vision Institute, Lecturer at the University of Leeds, Executive Director at the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, and Assistant to Defence Minister of Cambodia.

Le Hong Hiep is Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Vietnam Studies Programme at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore. He is also an editor of the Institute’s flagship journal Contemporary Southeast Asia. Hiep holds a PhD in Political and International Studies from the University of New South Wales. Before joining ISEAS, he worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and taught at the Faculty of International Relations, Vietnam National University-HCMC.

Brian Eyler directs the Southeast Asia Program and the Energy, Water, and Sustainability Program at Stimson Center in Washington D.C. He is widely recognized as a leading voice on environmental, energy, and water security issues in the Mekong. At Stimson Center, Brian also co-leads the Mekong Dam Monitor and chairs the War Legacy Working Group. His first book, Last Days of the Mighty Mekong, was published by Zed Books in 2019. Brian holds a MA from the University of California, San Diego and a BA from Bucknell University.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

Please register here to receive your unique link for joining the webinar.

If you have questions for the speaker, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speakers during the Q&A session.

Webinar on “Navigating Strategic Uncertainties: Vietnam’s Pursuit of Strategic Autonomy in a Changing World”


Wednesday, 29 May 2024 — In this webinar, Dr Vu Le Thai Hoang introduced the concept of strategic autonomy as the utmost level of autonomy a state can achieve within a five-level framework. He also discussed measures Vietnam has undertaken to enhance its resilience and adaptability in an unpredictable future, especially amid great power competition.


Navigating Strategic Uncertainties: Vietnam’s Pursuit of Strategic Autonomy in a Changing World



About the Webinar

As the world faces increasing strategic uncertainties, due to growing regional conflicts, intensified great power competition, economic fluctuations, technological advancements, and evolving security challenges, pursuing strategic autonomy has become an imperative for Vietnam and other nations. This webinar introduces an advanced understanding of strategic autonomy as the utmost level of autonomy a state can achieve within a five-level framework, proposing it as a crucial response to the fluid international environment. Highlighting Vietnam’s unique geopolitical position, the session will explore the multifaceted challenges of strategic uncertainty, including economic and technological aspects, alongside traditional security concerns. It will also discuss measures Vietnam has undertaken to enhance its resilience and adaptability in an unpredictable future, and how striving for strategic autonomy underpins Vietnam’s recent elevation in relations with key partners. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how Vietnam can navigate the complexities of the modern geopolitical landscape and protect its national interests through strategic autonomy in an era marked by ever-greater uncertainty.

About the Speaker

Vu Le Thai Hoang is Director General of the Institute of Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies and Dean of the Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. He has a diverse background in both journalism and foreign affairs, having previously worked as a reporter and held various positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Deputy Director General at the ASEAN Department and the Department of American Affairs of the Ministry. Before that, he was minister counselor and chief political officer at the Vietnam Embassy to the United States from 2014 to 2018.

Hoang holds a PhD in Asian Studies from the University of Leeds and a Master of Strategic Studies from the Nanyang Technological University. He was also named an Eisenhower Fellow in 2014. Hoang has published extensively on Vietnam’s foreign policy and Asia-Pacific security issues.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

Please register here to receive your unique link for joining the webinar.

If you have questions for the speaker, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speakers during the Q&A session.

Webinar on “Vietnam’s Elite Politics and Implications for Leadership Transition”


In this webinar, Mr Tran Le Quynh and Dr Nguyen Khac Giang examined the recent developments in Vietnam’s elite politics and their potential implications for the nation’s political and economic trajectory, particularly in light of the recent unexpected resignation of former President Vo Van Thuong. They also explored the role of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, and the impact of factionalism and the ongoing anti-corruption campaign on the upcoming power transition at the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in early 2026.


Webinar on “Just Energy Transition Partnerships: Insights from Indonesia and Vietnam”


In this webinar, Ms Melinda Martinus, Mr Paul Butarbutar, Ms Nguyen Phuong Mai, and Dr Julia Behrens review the progress of Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) policy rollouts in Vietnam and Indonesia.


Webinar on “Vietnam’s 2024 Economic Outlook”


In this webinar, Dr Luc Can and Dr Tuan Ho discussed Vietnam’s economic performance in 2023 and its outlook for 2024. They also shared insights on opportunities and potential challenges that investors should be aware of.


Webinar on “Weaker Claimants’ Responses to China’s Coercion in the South China Sea: A Comparative Analysis”


In this webinar, Dr Huynh Trung Dung presented a comprehensive and comparative study on how four Southeast Asian claimant states have responded to China’s maritime assertiveness in the South China Sea.


Webinar on “Vietnam’s Energy Transition: Opportunities and Challenges”


In this webinar, Mr Cuong Le, Dr Nguyen Dinh, and Mr Phat Nguyen provided initial insights into Vietnam’s National Power Development Plan 8 (PDP8) and National Energy Master Plan (NEMP) for 2021-2030, with a vision for 2050. They also discussed potential opportunities and challenges for all stakeholders, as well as the plans’ implications for Vietnam’s energy security and energy transition.