Webinar on “Prospects of Vietnam’s Strategic Engagement with the Quad”


In the last of a four-part series on the implications of Vietnam’s recently concluded 13th Party Congress, Mr Derek Grossman examined the status of strategic engagements between the Quad members – the United States, Japan, Australia, and India – and Vietnam, and their prospects in the next five years.


Webinar on “Vietnam’s 13th Party Congress: Vietnam Amid the US-China Rivalry”


In the third of a four-part series on Vietnam’s recently concluded 13th Party Congress, Amb Pham Quang Vinh assessed the foreign policy implications of the congress’s political report and explained how Hanoi will conduct its relations with the world’s foremost superpowers. Amb Vinh also highlighted the opportunities and challenges in Vietnam-US and Vietnam-China relations.


Webinar on: “Vietnam’s 13th Party Congress: Continuities and New Elements in Economic Development”


In the second of a four-part series on Vietnam’s recently concluded 13th Party Congress, Dr Nguyen Dinh Cung assessed Vietnam’s economic development record and shared his insights on the new elements approved by the congress that will shape the country’s economic trajectory. Dr Cung also highlighted the challenges that lie ahead as Vietnam seeks to restore its economic growth momentum against the backdrop of domestic constraints and external geostrategic uncertainties.


Webinar on: “Vietnam’s 13th Party Congress: Political Significance and Implications”


In the first of a four-part series on Vietnam’s recently concluded 13th Party Congress, Dr Paul Schuler and Mr Nguyen Khac Giang assessed the political significance and implications of the leadership changes and key policy documents unveiled at the congress.


Webinar on “Vietnam’s Foreign Policy and Position in Regional and Global Context after the 13th Party Congress”


In this webinar, Dr Hai Hong Nguyen examined what would Vietnam’s foreign policy be like after the 13th Party Congress, and how will Vietnam view regional and global mechanisms like ASEAN and the UN and their importance in enabling Hanoi to achieve its foreign policy goals.


Webinar on: “Working Together to Make a Brighter Day for the Mekong”


In this webinar, Dr Pham Tuan Phan assessed the performance of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), highlighted the challenges and constraints faced by the MRC, and explained how the MRC complements and/or competes with the other Mekong-related initiatives such as the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) and the Mekong-US Partnership.


Webinar on “Vietnam Communist Party’s 13th Congress: Politics of Leadership Succession”


This webinar discusses the Vietnam Communist Party’s upcoming 13th National Congress, which will set the socio-economic agenda for Vietnam for the next 10 years and elect the country’s new crop of leaders.


Webinar on “Vietnam’s Economy Post COVID: Poised for Growth?”


In this webinar, Dr Vo Tri Thanh assesses the Vietnam’s efforts in restoring the country’s economic growth momentum as it grapples with the task of restructuring and upgrading its economy.


Webinar on “Exploring Vietnam’s Role in Peace and Mediation”


In this webinar, Dr Hoang Oanh explores the possible role that Vietnam can play in international peace and mediation.


Seminar: Assessing Vietnam’s Economic and Political Developments since the CPV’s 12th Congress



About the Seminar

The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in January 2016 elected a new party leadership and led to the appointment of a new government under Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc three months later. Since then, the Party and its government have taken important steps to fight corruption, strengthen party discipline, and promote economic growth. The seminar will review these political and economic developments and assess their implications for Vietnam’s outlook. It will also discuss the outcomes of the Fifth Plenum of the CPV’s Central Committee (May 2017), in which the Party sacked a Politburo member and adopted important resolutions on the socialist-oriented market economy, the reform of state-owned enterprises, and the development of the private sector.

About the Speaker

Le Dang Doanh is currently a member of the Committee for Development Policy of the UN (2016-2018), a Senior Fellow at the Economic College, Hanoi National University (HNU) and member of the Scholar Board of the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM). Before that, he was a senior economist and advisor to the Minister of Planning and Investment until his retirement in July 2007. Dr Le has also been a member of the (advisory) research commission of the Prime Minister of Vietnam from 1993 until June 2006; the president of the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) between 1993 and 2001; vice-president of the CIEM from 1990 to 1993; and the senior economist to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Van Linh from 1989 until 1990. In addition, Dr Le has lectured at universities and academies in Hanoi, and spent time as a visiting professor at the Nihon University in Tokyo. He has served on various boards and committees, including the commission for state-owned enterprise reform; the research group of the Prime Minister for socio-economic and administration reform; the commission for finance and monetary policy; the Vietnam-Japan Research Council; and the commission for finance and foreign exchange in East and South East Asia of the Ministry of Finance of Japan, nominated by Minister Myazawa.


For registration, please fill in this form and email to iseasevents4@iseas.edu.sg by 12 July 2017.